E- Eyes (glowing?)

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Words: 1572
Summary: in this story Douxie runs into Krel on an outing and decides to take him to the bookstore to look for something he needs. Krel completely forgets that his transduction is about to run out.

Krel's POV
Now with all the Varvartos stuff cleared up Krel can finally focus on the worm hole machine. The undeveloped earth technology is... well it's horrible. I need more advanced machinery to pull this one off and I need some form of inspiration or even an instruction, oh wait that's right, this has never been done before. No pressure.

But where on Earth am I going to find something like that. Well I'll just start with inspiration I suppose. As I walked through the mothership I could hear the hollow echo of my footsteps through the hall. I looked for Zadra or Varvatos to tell them I was going for I walk, I stepped through the fireplace and Mother floated in front of my face.

"Hey Mother? Could you tell someone I'm going for a walk, oh wait I can just tell you" I said with a slight laugh. "Bye Mother" I yelled back with a wave, making sure to leave in my human form. The fleshy covering was an odd change, it felt like wearing a really weird coat but wasn't so unpleasant that it was unbearable.

Aja was on another courting ritual with the blonde oaf, ah I mean Steve. I just hope I don't run into them (do you see where this is going 👀). As I walked along the hot pathway when I got distracted, Stuart just sent me a photo of a blue telephone box, he says it's a time machine and hoped it would give me inspiration.

Why would I make a portal in a box? I walked along the path and while I was distracted I bumped heads with a taller boy. Because he was taller he knocked me onto the ground, I fell with a hard thump. Gaylen who does he think he is!

"Oh fuzz buckets! I am so sorry!" The boy leaned down and offered his hand, this is the first time I could see his face properly. The tips of his blue hair fell in his eyes, I reached forwards and grabbed his hand.

"You should watch where you are going" I tried to sound condescending but it just came out kind of offended.

"I really am sorry. My names Douxie" he reached out his hand again, I took it and he shook it firmly. What a strange human custom, shaking someone's hand when you first meet them... odd.

"Krel" I said apprehensive, who was this charming boy?

"Well Krel, can I help you with anything, you look a little lost" he spoke with a smile on his face, he looked so genuine.

"Unless you can help me find Aki- I mean an advanced technology instruction manual, if not then no" I said beginning to walk away, I felt a little mean but I'm just a tiny bit stressed right now... just a teeny bit.

"Well your in luck" he said walking beside me, "I just happen to work at a bookstore" he said, his smile somehow growing bigger. It couldn't hurt, could it?

"Really! That would be great!" I said a little more excited then I had hoped, this boy just seemed to bring something out of me. I didn't really mind. Douxie turned me around and we kept walking in the other direction, towards the bookstore I take it.

As we walked down the street together I felt an unfamiliar feeling, it was like my stomach was being tied into a knot, it only got worse when he had accidentally brushed my arm when we turned a corner onto another street.

Human emotions are still foreign to me, at least this one is, it's not unpleasant. I just don't want to leave his side and it doesn't help that he is charming AND stunning. As they rounded another corner Krel caught a glimpse of bright blonde hair and knew immediately who it was.

Steve and Aja were walking directly towards us, out of panic I grabbed Douxie's arm and hid in his shoulder as we walked past. I couldn't see if they saw me but I didn't hear and girly shrieks so I think Aja didn't notice.

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