L- Listen

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Words: 1333
Summary: After the group defeated the Arcane order for the first time, Douxie decides it would be better if Zoe took Nari because the order will not recognise her. As the group walks back to town Krel and Douxie have a talk. Alternative Universe with the Zoe thing... because it's convenient.
Also the photo has no relevance lol.
POV's kind of swap a bit too, sorry I usually hate when people do that ;)

The green leaves fluttered as Zoe and Nari glide through the air to their next destination, away from Arcadia. The air somehow smells fresher and the grass appears almost greener.
To his side Claire was holding Jim up while Toby re-enacted the crazy few days they've just had to no one in particular. Krel couldn't help the small smile that slid to his face at the thought of what he had just accomplished.

Combining magic with technology was astounding even to himself. He imagined the blue lights of Akiridion-5 and the mundane things his sister and the Pepperjack would have done at the same time, thinking if he would have preferred it or not.

No, he didn't think he would have.
As his mind began to drift into thoughts of another world he was, quite frankly, tackled to the ground.

"Argh, what are you doing you oaf" Krel almost spat from between clenched teeth. The ground was soft and smelt of comfort and dirt, but still didn't diminish the annoyance he felt towards Steve, oh sorry he means 'Sir Steve of Palchukia'. Krel barely suppressed an eye roll while remembering the events of the past few days.

"Dude. I just want to say thank you man! With out your Zappy Doohickey I don't think we could have made it through that one" Steve expressed his gratitude while slipping off of Krel and standing. As Krel tried to figure out what on Earth the oaf was talking about he could hear a low snickering behind him.

Krel turned to find Douxie and the others stood slightly behind him and Steve, Krel caught Douxie's eye and the latter tried to cover his face as he laughed a little harder at the situation.

"Uhh I think you've got me confused with magic man over there" Krel said slightly exasperated, pointing to where Douxie stands hands held up as if to pretext himself. The protection wasn't enough as Steve launched towards him, bombarding him with a constricting hug.

Krel found his bearings and stood to watch. As Krel began to laugh lightly at the spectacle in front of him, he caught Douxie's eye once Steve stopped spinning him around. The wizard stared ruthlessly at Krel as if Steve was his fault. Once Steve finally let go, the group began to make their way towards town.

While they walked in seperate conversations, Krel was left behind the back of the group. Instead of pitying himself for not joining a conversation, the Akiridion began to take in his surroundings. The evening light sent a golden glow over the trees making them seem almost golden themselves.

Krel reached out while walking and brushed his hands along the rough surfaces of the leaves, a chill was sent through his spine as the sweet smelling wind brushed past him. Krel disposed this 'mother of nature' for as long as he could remember, this mud-ball was awful and dirty, but in moments like these he was glad he never left, that he stayed behind on this beautiful mess.

As he walked silently, Krel noticed a presence beside him. Looking to his side he saw Douxie walking in silence, him familiar sitting along his shoulders in the shape of a cat.
Krel looked forwards again, enjoying the sound on the crackling twigs and dry leaves under his feet.

"This planet" Krel spoke softly, not wanting to burst the atmosphere the two had created between them, "has so many beautiful things. I could never imagined biological matter could be this... ethereal" Krel finished, smiling to himself.

"It really is something else isn't it" the wizard spoke just as gently, there was a brief pause as the two walked in a companionable silence. "What's it like?" Douxie asked turning his head to face Krel.

"How do you mean?" Krel asked obviously confused at the rather random question.

Douxie let out a soft laugh. "I mean, what is it like on Akiridion-5?"

Ohh of course.

"It is not like here" was the first statement to pass his lips causing Douxie to laugh engntly.

"Well I gathered that" Douxie said while pushing Krel softly, the contact surprising Krel more than the action itself.

"Yes well, it's very different. The life forms are energy based, that's why we look" Krel motioned to himself "blue and why we glow. The technology is much more advanced and it is always very clean. See, we do not have organic matter like dirt" Krel said while he nudged a rock in front of him.

"Wow, I'd love to see it one day, it sounds nuclear" Douxie said softly with a slight grin playing on his lips.

"Oh, I assure you it is not made from nuclear matter, it may glow but no harm will come to you. If you're worried about nuclear effects, just do not go to Durio, it is like a nuclear waste site and the inhabitants truly smell awful" Krel stated with a wrinkle of this nose.

As Krel finished his statement Douxie was looking at him with the widest smile Krel had ever seen from the wizard.

"You, Krel Tarron, are astonishing" Douxie said with a shake of his head. "For the record 'nuclear' is a figure of speech" probably having seen the confused face of the Akiridion Douxie continued, "it basically mean awesome".

"Oh, well why didn't you just say that" Krel mumbled under his breath. Douxie gently shook his head, the smile still firmly planted on his face. A few moments pass as the two walk together in a comfortable silence. Until Krel couldn't hide his burning question any longer. "What was he like?" He spoke without haste, but a slight urgency etched its way into his soft tone.

"What was who like?" Douxie raised a questioning eyebrow.

"Merlin. I have read about him in the human knowledge bricks, I did not think he was real" Krel spoke gently again conscious of the delicate atmosphere.

"Um well," Douxie was fidgeting with his hands, something Krel is familiar with having done it with all four of his before. Not wanting Douxie to feel the familiar feeling of anxiety Krel reached over and cautiously took one of Douxie's hands in his. Douxie looked over, a hint of surprise passed over his face but it was quickly replaced with a grateful smile.

"Merlin was so many things, he was tough and sour, and don't get me wrong, he could be a grumpy old man at times, but-" Douxie sighed content, "but he always knew what was best. He was wise and honestly quite considerate when it came down to it." Krel squeezed Douxie hand and he squeezed right back, intertwining their fingers.

With his free hand Douxie reached up and scratched the gentle fur of his familiar. Archie has begun to drift off as he lay across his wizards shoulders feeling the warmth under his cool belly.

"He sounds nuclear" Krel said, unable to hide the smile from his face. At that, Douxie laughs full heartedly.

"You know," he began while looking over to the Akiridion beside him, "he really kind of was... he could glow and cause horrible damage." The joke elisited a comforting and warm laugh from Krel, the sound resonating inside Douxie, he wanted to hear that sound when ever he could. As he walked hand in hand, Douxie swore that he wouldn't let anything bad happen to the soft person next to him.

The two walked in a compatible silence just behind the others until they reached the streets of their beloved home, Arcadia Oaks.


Hey everyone! I can't express how sorry I am about the wait but thank you to all the people who have stuck with it for this long <3

This story is dedicated to ALittle_internet_bug , I always appreciate your comments, thank you for all of your support <3

Love you all and I will hopefully see you next time.

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