Q- Quiet

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Words: 983
Summary: The two have never encountered eachother before, but being thrust into a world of darkness and gum gums tends to pull people together. Set around the time of battle of the bands.


The sky has been plunged into darkness and what Aja is worried about is Steve? Not our LIVES? Objects are being thrown over our heads and the are stone creatures, from which a green light glows. Are they the good trolls... they really don't look like they're very 'good', perhaps they simply lack personal hygiene?

Nope that one through a bus, ok I think I know where we stand... behind something.

"Aja do we really need to fair well the oaf? We could die!" My voice cracks and only exentuates my point.

"It would be worth it!" Well for you maybe but this is the guy who actively bullies me for Galens' sake.

"There I see him with... Eli, that's a rather unusual pairing, " come to think of it they do seem rather friendly as of recent. Eli and Steve are in black clothes with what looks like black paint smeared all over their faces. The pair are standing back to back, their arms flailing in all directions as they swing their wooden bats. Despite the large stone beings roming the ruble, these two are fighting off small green creatures who look furious.

Aja of course races to embrace her earth boy, disgusting if you ask me, while I am left fighting for my life. Small green things keep jumping at me and I'm doing what I can to hold them off or at least stop them from latching onto my face.

Once I finally believe I have the hang of it that is precisely when a stone monster begins to approach. Slowly it makes its way to me past the broken down or crashed cars. I do exactly what you would expect, I turned tail and ran as fast as my legs would allow.

My heart it beating so fast its all I can hear in my brain, when I risk a glance behind me to see if it's still following me I can see that it's begun to run. SHIT! I hear a yelp sliver through my lips as tears begin to build in my eyes. I can't take it, this isn't how I want to die in fact I wish not to. Please anyone above if you hear my plea send help.

As if my cry was answered, a hand clasps one of my right arms and pulls. I am dragged behind a concrete slab, previously a part of the neighboring building. I look over the destroyed gravel and see as the monster rounds the corner. I stand and bare my weapon, not at all ready for what is about to come.

Before I even get the chance to swing, a blue aura clasps the being. As if two peices of rope have been pulled taught in two separate directions the monster snaps in half. The gray stone crumbles to the ground and my legs collapse from benethe me.

"Bloody nuisance, honestly," a disapproving tongue click sounds off behind me and I am suddenly reminded that I was indeed saved. My head whips around so fast I give myself whiplash. Falling even lower and rubbing my now sore neck I'm met with the most startlingly brown eyes I have ever seen.

"I...um," come on mouth speak, "thank you!" A hasty greatful smile is plastered to my face.

"Are you alright darlin', these things are a pain in the arse," the concern in this stranger's voice complexes me. Without having ever met me, he extends his hand even further for me to take.

"Thank you," he doesn't let go, not immediately anyway. My fingers slip from his and the world around me slams me in the face. More specifically Aja spear takles me to the ground.

"Little brother, where did you go? Who is this, are they bothering you?" Now this concern I'm used to.

"It's alright Aja, he saved me from one of those stone creatures. This is... I haven't actually had the chance to ask, what's your name?" I say facing this stranger.

"OH of course my names Hizadoux, but my friends call me-"

"Douxie! My god I thought you'd gone chasing Gunmar or something of the sort." Is that a talking cat?

"Hey Arch," Douxie gives his friend a comforting scratch, "as I was saying, my friends call me Douxie. This is Archie," his friend gives a polite bow.
"If you don't mind me asking, who are you? I haven't seen anyone like you before."

I can feel my face grow hotter as I bear the words, oh wait... I'm a blue glowing being. Feeling deflated I go to answer but Aja apparently has other plans.

"This is Krel Tarron, the crown prince of Akiridion 5." Oh gosh, my hand falls to my face impulsively, I glance through my fingers and see a smirk on Douxies face.
"And I am Aja Tarron the warrior princess, his older sister!"

"Well it is a pleasure to meet you both," dipping into an elegant bow he continues, "your hignesses." His eyes make contact with mine and I can't take it after that.

How can words effect a person in such a way, more importantly how can they effect me? What ever the answer is it can wait, we have more pressing matters at hand.

I clasp Aja's arm desperately, "we should go... you know," I turn to face Douxie and his eyes like pools of honey and looking back. "It was a pleasure to meet you."
With that we turn and continue along with our original plan.


The rest is history! So I've been mia for a bit but no worries you guys got your well deserved shot of Krexie. If there are a crap tone of spelling or grammatical errors... sorry?

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