Chapter 22

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Mr. Aizawa's point of view


My head was hurting like crazy and most of my body felt numb. As I slowly woke up I realized, even without opening my eyes, that I was in a brightly lit room. My mind was blank and I couldn't think of anything. Not where I was, not why my head hurt, not why my body was numb. I tried to think, but it only made my headache worse.

"So you're the boss?"

I heard myself question as flashes were coming back to me.

"Don't overdo it now, Eraserhead..."

I heard a raspy voice say and in my mind flashed a villain with light blue hair and a hand over his face.

The more I was trying to remember the more my head hurt. I could hear a faint and regular beeping and I wasn't sure if it was coming from my memories or from the room I was in. All I knew was that, the more I was thinking about that specific event, the faster the beeping became.

"By the way, hero... I'm not the boss here..."

The same villain said and I felt a tall figure looming over me. I turned only to be faced with a villain looking like a crazed bird. With his brain visible and his eyelids missing, he sent a shiver down my spine. He extended his arm towards me and reached for my face.

I suddenly opened my eyes slightly panting as all the memories came back to me. The light in the room was blinding, but when I realised I was in a hospital room, the beeping started slowing down to a more normal rate. I didn't move since I could barely feel my body anyway so I took a second to adjust to the fluorescent light.

Out of nowhere I heard a quiet humming coming from somewhere in the room, but, at first, I thought that I was imagining things. At a quick glance through the hospital room, though, I noticed someone sitting in a chair on my left side.

After a couple of confused blinks I recognized the person as being (L/n). It was a surprise for sure, but her condition was even more surprising.

She was sitting on a chair with her legs folded under her and she was slightly leaning back and forth as she quietly hummed in the rhythm of a melody. She had her headphones on and her (h/c) hair was tight in a messy bun.

She had dark circles under her eyes which became something normal for her, but this time they looked like she hadn't slept in weeks; they were almost just as worse as mine. On her face, on the left temple, she had a gauze covering what I could only assume was a wound.

The most surprising thing was that her left hand was in a plaster cast. A white cloth going around her neck was holding her casted arm up in a proper position.

With her right hand she was writing something down on a clipboard. At a closer look I noticed that papers were scattered all over. The chair to her right and the two chairs to her left were all covered in papers and somewhere I could see a textbook.

Her humming was soothing and calming so I closed my eyes and just listened to her for a couple of minutes. I listened relaxed to the duality of sounds in the room; (L/n)'s gentle humming and my heart monitor's regular beeping. I would've probably had fallen asleep if I hadn't felt a sudden pain in my right arm.

A pained groan escaped my lips against my wishes and that sound alone immediately drew (L/n)'s attention. The humming stopped before she snapped her head in my direction and, when she noticed that I was conscious, she quickly pulled out her headphones. A small smile grew on her lips before she spoke.

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