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No major TWs, but the last paragraph talks about Ghostburs death.

Drawing by me :)

Ghostbur has freckles. White ones to be exact. They were littered across his face and elf-ears. However, some had specific patterns; they were shaped like constellations.

His face had some sort of blush. Dark-blue in colour but it never left his face. It wasn't makeup, it wasn't put on, it was just simply there. No one knew how it had got there, not even Ghostbur himself.

No one had really questioned these two features, until after a summer day.
It was a warm day, and unlike most British days, the weather matched the season.
Ghostbur was playing with Michael while Tubbo and Ranboo were doing something. They hadn't really been listening when they were explaining.

Michael was sat on his lap, analysing his face.
'Ghostie,' he started, 'whats with your freckles. They look like stars.' he finished, with a childlike wonder in his eyes.
Ghostbur looked at him. 'Well...' he didn't really know how to explain it.
Michael looked at him.

'You see Michael, when we die, we turn into stars..but I'm not a human-'

'What are you then?' Ghostbur paused. He was not mental prepared to be talking with a four year old about death at 11:30 in the morning.
'I- I'm a ghost.'
'But..I thought you were a star..'
'I'm not a star Michael.'
'You are to me.' Michael said, smiling.

Okay he really was not expecting that.

He guessed Michael had told Tubbo and Ranboo about their interaction, because afterwards, everyone he came across had asked him about them. He never knew how to reply because he didn't know about them himself. He'd just stand awkwardly and answer that he wasn't sure.

There's so proper ending to this story, he really has no idea. However,stars do die. Blue ones die quicker, however, when they use up all their fuel.
Maybe that's why Ghostbur didn't live as long. After all, Michael did call him a star.

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