"Have Some Blue :D"

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TW: Tommy and Wilbur hurting themselves accidentally

This is when they were young btw.

This whole story happened bc I just got over a panic attack and needed comfort lmao.
The garden is inspired by my grandparents old one, just how my 6 year old brain saw it because it honestly looked magical.

Wilbur and Tommy were running around the garden. Wilbur looked over to make sure Tommy was okay.
He was. He was currently running around doing whatever he was doing.
He made a mental note that he was by the fence surrounding the main garden playing in the rocks and looking at the flowers covering the fence.

The garden stretched on for awhile since the side of it connected to a forest, and Wilbur hadn't seen the end of it for years. He went right down to the bottom and made note of all the types of plants, trees, and creatures he saw. He wrote them all done on a notepad he had with him, because that's what I used to do. Anyone else? (yes I actually did and still do this if I have paper be quiet.)

The end looked magical. A small bowl like ditch blanketed by leaves. Because it was an old quarry, the sides (made of mud, leaves and twigs,) up higher around the whole garden, just getting gradually higher and higher as the garden went on. The surrounding area was covered in trees and rocks. There was a mound which led to a small but deeper ditch, then the side. He stood on the mound and started taking small rocks off the side and making a little house.

Wilbur looked away from the house and noticed something
In the corner of the ditch, there were some bright blue stones. He hadn't seen them before. They were almost see-through. Almost. They were cloudy, and very, very blue. They weren't any sort of crystals or gemstone. They were ordinary rocks, just very unique ones. He found at least twenty.

He looked at his mustard polar-neck for any pockets, but of course, there weren't any. He took his beanie off and put them in there but they fell out. Then he tried the most obvious thing, his trousers.
As he put the last one in, he heard Tommy scream.
He started to run towards the house, tripping over tree roots, and at one point falling over and spraining his ankle.
That didn't stop him from getting up and running towards Tommy's cry. Despite knowing he was somewhat alright since the scream wasn't moving, he was still panicking.

Wilbur's ankle was in pain, and his vision was blurring as he his head was pounding, but he didn't stop. He wouldn't until he knew Tommy was alright, and be never would. No matter how small the problem was, if Tommy was hurt, it was a big one.

He started to cry gently due to the constant pain in every (dimension-) part of his body and his head hung low as he started to slow down. It hadn't felt this long walking down.
His head started to spin and his throat started to close as the possibilities of what could be happening ran through his mind. Kidnapping, shooting, breaking a bone? He knew he was being dramatic but he didn't care. He wouldn't be mad if it was something small. He just wanted Tommy to be okay.

Finally, after what felt like years, he reached the edge of the trees, Tommy's head just appearing in sight.
He was on the floor holding his knee. Blood appeared to be dropping from the gaps in his fingers.
Wilbur relaxed slightly noticing it wasn't too serious. He jogged over to him, tears still clinging to his face.

Tommy saw him and clung onto him. Wilbur gently rubbed circles in his back. After he had calmed down slightly, he slowly pried Tommy off of him and looked at his knee.
A deep gash in his kneecap was there. By deep, I mean a normal cut, but deep enough to cause a life-lasting scar.
Wilbur lift him up and took him inside, setting him down on the couch. He rang Philza to let him know what had happened and to ask where the bandages were.

He went back into the living room and wrapped a bandage around his knee. Tommy was still crying but it had lessened.
Wilbur didn't know how to help with the pain, so he took one of the rocks out of his pocket and handed it to him. "Have some blue, calm yourself."
Wilbur said. "W-why..?" Tommy asked.
"I dunno, I thought it might help with the pain. You can squeeze on it, and it won't break." he said, smiling.
Tommy took one and squeezed it. It worked.

A few weeks later and the cut had gone away, leaving a thin white scar.

Years later (after the big bang 2.0, L'Manberg go boom)

One day, Wilbur was in his room tuning his guitar. Him and Tommy had just argued about something. Probably them making it alot bigger than it needed to be, when Tommy walked in.
"Hey Will!"
"Hey Tommy..?" Wilbur asked. "You're..youre never this nice to me unless you want something.."
"Actually, I'm giving you something back." Tommy said, taking his hands behind his back and producing a small, almost transparent blue stone.
Tommy sat on his bed next to him. Wilbur slowly took the stone, fingers grazing the familiar outline.
"Where did you..?"
"I found it. The other day. You..you seemed upset."
Wilbur slowly took it, just as Tommy said, "Have some blue, calm yourself."

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