Tom's Diner

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No TWs just slight swearing.

I recommend listening to the song 'Tom's Diner' because it's honestly a banger.

-Teenage Wilbur.

Wilbur sat at a table in the back of the diner next to the window. He took out his laptop and began to type his English essay. The time was currently 6:30am and the weather outside was classic British; rain, clouds and wind.
He had just been set an essay a few days prior to finish by the following Monday.
It was currently five days before said Monday.

Wilbur was more organised than the rest of his family; spacing things out and planning ahead, but giving himself enough time for breaks.

Techno finished things the second they were set, and Tommy waited until the night before to complete something.

His coffee came and he decided to take a break from working. The setting was familiar, comfortable.

An old diner on the corner of the street. It looked more like a café, but was more spacious and open for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

There was no talking. The only sound was the white noise of people working on their laptops, crackling of fire in the corner, and the noises from whatever the people behind the counter were doing. The smell of coffee and whatever those fucking pastries are (you know the ones. The ones that look good but you've never actually tried) danced around the room, creating an almost nostalgic feeling. The lighting was dim but comforting, and they hung from light-bulbs being held by wire from the ceiling. The place had an overall nice aesthetic.

Wilbur had his books and papers organised neatly across the table and his laptop and phone in the middle of it all.
He took a sip from his coffee and got back to work. He needed noise to concentrate, so the white noise in the background was perfect for him. His mind drifted elsewhere as he continued typing and taking occasional sips of coffee.

He started to people watch.

A woman walked in. She was pale with long natural red hair and matching freckles. She shook her umbrella and looked up at the man behind the counter. The first conversation started between them.

"Well, well, well, look who's back." he said, with a grin on his face.
"I hope you don't mind me coming back." she replied.
"It is always a delight to see you Camilla." She walked up to the counter and was given a paper bag and a drink. She smiled, paid and sat down somewhere close to him. They obviously knew each other.

Wilbur looked at his phone and saw a news report. Someone by the name Robert Gasper had died. He had no idea who he is but apparently he was an actor. He shut off his phone and continued working. His plan was to get the first page done today, then the next tomorrow, the next the day after etc. He suddenly felt himself being watched so he lifted his head up from his laptop.

The light was bright to begin with, as it had gotten lighter since he had last looked outside. As the light faded, he saw a woman staring into the shop. He wondered if she saw him but he came to the conclusion that due to the type of windows, she couldn't see inside without it blurring, meaning she couldn't see him, but he could see her.

Her dark hair cascaded down her back and over her shoulders. Her clothing was very modern victorian style. A collared shirt with a gemstone brooch and some sort of corset on top. She had old rings on her fingers, and a short black skirt with sticking on.

She was hitching up her skirt slightly for whatever reason. Wilbur tried not to notice. She straightened up her socks and her hair became soaked from the rain.

The bell rang as she walked in.

Wilbur continued writing.

The time was currently 9:40am and the rain was still heavy. The diner was still quiet and peaceful, except for the occasional person ordering something and the possible whispered conversation. Wilbur closed his eyes and listened. He liked listening to people's conversations. It was almost therapeutic; knowing that people were going through much worse than he was. That sounds bad, but he didn't really care, college was stressful. Techno, being the lucky bastard he is, had already left.
Luckily, Wilbur was on his last year.

Cathedral bells rang in the distance. He liked church bells. He lived near one. He remembers the old plastic slide they had in the garden, and how he used to wake up at unholy times in the morning when everyone was still asleep and the morning dew was still settling to sit on the slide and listen to the bells. (funfact, I used to do that and now I love church bells of any kind.)
He remembers the time that Techno (who knew this was happening because he had caught him many, many times) set up a picnic for him, Wil and Tommy for Wilbur's birthday to listen to the church bells. Tommy didn't want to, obviously, it was 6am. But Techno practically forced him.

He smiled and, once again, got back to his work.

His coffee was finished by the time he had finished his work.

He paid before he left and walked away from the diner on the corner and towards the train station. Sure his home was only an hour away from the diner (which to Wilbur, wasn't that far, God knows why), but it was too early to be walking that long.

He got on and messaged Philza to let him know he was on his way back.

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