6. Resolutions

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Ivy's boyfriend told her to "get rid of it

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Ivy's boyfriend told her to "get rid of it." He also gave her money and said she'd better not say a word to his parents. 

It took a couple of days and three positive pregnancy tests for the self-confident, cheerful girl to turn into a teary-eyed, miserable one. 

"She's so strong." Isla shifted in the chair and tucked a couple of loose strands behind her ears. "I don't know what I'd do."

"Me either. We have to give her support. What she's going through isn't easy."

"I kinda hate hospitals right now, you know?"

I swallowed, which didn't help the dryness in my throat. My eyes darted to the hallway. Ivy was in Harper's office, doing what her boyfriend told her. She'd been inside for less than twenty minutes, but they felt like hours.

"Ivy!" Isla's voice resounded through the waiting area, and she jumped to her feet at the sight of our friend.

I grabbed my purse and stood. "How did it go?"

"Outside," Ivy said, heading to the elevators, her eyes downcast.

After the silent descent, we rushed out of Harris Memorial and into the hot afternoon. Ivy strolled to the small park across the street and sat on a bench in the shade of the trees.

Isla and I flanked her, exchanging concern-laden glances, unsure of what to say or do.

"I couldn't do it," Ivy whispered. "I sat there, and his words kept replaying in my head. He said I should've gone on birth control. You know what's funny? I think the condom broke, and he didn't tell me. That's the only way it could've happened. 

"And then I remembered what my mom told me. I'm a miracle child, conceived after five rounds of IVF. Mom had an abortion when she was in law school. She wanted to graduate, and the moment wasn't right, but then they spent years trying. 

"And I know what you're thinking. I'm fucking twenty. I have all my life ahead of me, but it's my life and my body, and he just told me to get rid of the baby as if it were easy. As if I wouldn't jeopardize my chances of having kids later."

Ivy drew in a shaky breath and studied her hands, avoiding looking at us. "I know it's going to be hard. But I've always wanted to be a mom. Not at the age of twenty, but...it doesn't feel right. Interrupting the pregnancy cause he told me to doesn't feel right."

"Are you gonna tell him you're keeping the baby?" Isla asked.

"I'm done with him. He's not my boyfriend anymore. He's fucking twenty-two, and he was worried about what his parents would say if they knew. He made it clear he didn't want anything to do with the situation or me."

I drew an arm around Ivy's shoulders. "We're here for you. No decision is easy in this situation. You're brave for standing your ground."

"Keep being a virgin, honey," Ivy said to Isla. "Cause even if they wrap it, they do it badly and blame the girl. The audacity. Why did I even sleep with him?"

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