26. Cash, Cash, Baby

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Jim and I slept in the following morning, and after having delicious brunch on the upper deck, he reluctantly drove me home

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Jim and I slept in the following morning, and after having delicious brunch on the upper deck, he reluctantly drove me home. He wanted to spend more time with me, but knowing how excited I was about the notes on my manuscript, he didn't insist, just kissed me for at least ten minutes and helped me carry my gifts into the house.

Dad was at work and would travel the following day to help his colleagues with a complicated case in another hospital. I made myself a cup of strong coffee and settled at the kitchen table with the folder containing my novel.

My stomach churned from the nerves, and it took me a solid five minutes to finally pull the pages out.

Someone whose skills I admired read my book. Not only read but critiqued. And although I promised myself to be open-minded, I couldn't help but feel disappointed with myself. For one thing I got right, there were ten suggestions to improve what didn't work. Not a single paragraph was untouched. Allister Davis paid attention to every word, and almost every word needed changes.

Some chapters needed rewriting. Some weren't necessary at all. Words like voice, consistency, and style popped up on the pages so many times they got stuck in my brain.

When I finished reading, it was after six p.m. And as soon I put the mystery aside, I burst into pathetic tears. My period decided to pay me a visit, too, threatening to turn my evening into a pity fest sponsored by junk food and self-doubt.

My self-sufficiency went down the drain while I was showering because I needed my boyfriend and his cuddles. He probably wouldn't stop me from overthinking, but he could kiss me and rub my back.

A new text from Dad appeared when I was toweling off. He told me not to wait for him, and that was the final push I needed.

I put on black joggers and a white crop top, shoved my feet in a pair of sneakers, grabbed my purse, and left the house.

On my way to Jim's condo, I stopped by the Italian restaurant we both wanted to try and ordered two takeout pizzas.

Twenty minutes later, I let myself into my boyfriend's apartment building. Nerves coiled tightly in my belly during the ascent to Jim's floor. He had no clue I was here. What if he had plans he didn't mention to me?

When I stepped out of the elevator, I thought about using my key but decided against it and pressed the doorbell instead.

Footfalls thumped on the other side of the door. When it opened, Jim gaped at me. Surprise gave way to joy, and he pulled me into his arms in an instant, hugging me so tightly I let out a little cough.

Jim peppered my face with kisses and cupped it in his warm palms. "Hey there."

I pressed a kiss to the tip of his nose. "Hey. I brought pizza and well, myself. If you want us."

Jim laughed. "Come in."

The door slammed shut behind me. Jim took the pizza boxes from my hands and carried them to the kitchen area.

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