48. Broken Promises

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Today, I thought about Kennedy and the day we burst into Harris Memorial because of Ellie's accident

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Today, I thought about Kennedy and the day we burst into Harris Memorial because of Ellie's accident. I remembered how terrified Aiden was and how I had to keep myself together because he needed someone able to function by his side.

What I didn't think was that I'd be in the same situation, at the same hospital, struggling to breathe and paralyzed by fear, waiting for Harper, Alan, or Dec to tell me what the fuck happened to the love of my life.


Dec traversed the waiting area, holding two cups of coffee. They must've been from the green machine. My heart squeezed, and I looked at the ceiling before resting my gaze on his solemn face.

"What the fuck happened, Dec? She was okay when we talked. What. The. Fuck. Happened."

Dec glanced around the thankfully empty room and handed me the drink. I rested the cup on a plastic chair. I'd throw up if I tried to drink anything.

"She was taking long. I got worried and went into the business center. The elevators were out of order, so I took the stairs and saw her on the floor."

I rubbed a palm over my face. "What else?"

"She was unconscious. I called an ambulance and the cops and waited."

"The cops why?"

Dec ejected a tight-lipped huff. "It was weird, Jim. There was a tool cart there. Who the hell would leave something like that on the stair landing? Plus, the stairs looked slippery. I'll understand if you're mad. I should've shadowed her everywhere after what the PI told you."

My vision blurred. "I'm not mad at you. I'm thankful you were there. What did the cops say?"

"Nothing so far. They'll get in touch, but I told them about the black Sedan. Let's hope who you are speeds things up."

Who was I? A scared mess. Alan told me to wait, and that's what I'd been doing. But why the fuck didn't they let me see her? How bad was it?

The thud of someone's footsteps made me straighten my spine. Alan and Harper appeared in the doorway.

"Hope everything's okay," Dec whispered, resting a heavy hand on my shoulder. "I'll be here."

I walked up to Ava's father, who nodded at me and motioned to the narrow, brightly lit hallway. I followed him and his girlfriend to an office.

Once the door behind us closed, I leaned against it. "How is she?"

I didn't like the looks on their faces. It was like fucking pity. I didn't need pity because you only pitied those who lost something.

Harper twirled the engagement ring around her finger. "Asleep. We gave her something because she needed to rest. She has a concussion and a broken rib."

Pain titillated my every nerve. "And what about..."

The baby. Our son or daughter. Did Alan know? Fuck it. I didn't care if he did. To hell with the well-planned announcements. I needed to know the two of them were okay.

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