22. Favorite Person

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Cayden's text was the most confusing message I'd ever received

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Cayden's text was the most confusing message I'd ever received. Worse than that, he sent everyone else the exact same thing and nothing else. Not a single extra word or an explanation, which could only mean we were fucked — too fucked to talk about it via texts.

When I entered the lobby of the business center harboring Dream Records and saw my bandmates, getting answers was my priority.

"Hey." I approached the guys. "Do you know what's going on?"

Fin shrugged. Nick shook his head. 

Jay sighed. "No freaking clue. We tried calling Cay, but he didn't pick up. Andre will be here in a minute. Maybe he knows something."

"He'd tell us," Nick said. "Do you think that's it? The end, kaput? Cause it sure as hell feels like it. I mean, come on. You know Cay."

I did. Our producer was the epitome of transparency and never withheld important info, which made it easy to work with him.

A group of suit-clad guys sauntered past us, heading toward the elevators. My eyes roamed the crowded lobby, seeking distraction from the guilt that threatened to drown me. If our career was over, I was to blame. And that Wyatt was waiting for us in his office to deliver the blow made the situation a thousand times worse.

"I'm sorry, guys," I said.

Jay glanced around. "Not here, Jimmy boy. You don't want to end up on the front pages of tabloids for a public apology. Your face is already everywhere, anyway."

I ran a hand across my forehead. "Right."

Ava wasn't wrong when she said we'd make the news. The picture of a considerably disheveled me pointing the finger at Wyatt went viral, and every paper — show biz related or not— had the photo on the front page. I was a knight in shining armor to some and an impulsive idiot to others. 

It could've been much worse. At least they didn't post pictures of Ava and me during our hasty escape after the gala. The photo of our kiss on the red carpet was beautiful, and I made a mental note to contact the paper and ask for a copy to frame and put it on my nightstand.

"Guys," Andre said from behind me. 

I turned to face him. "Good morning. Do you know what the secrecy is about?"

Our manager shifted his weight. "Did you see today's papers?"

Fuck. A giant, sparkling fuck. Why the hell did I think yesterday's articles were the only ones mentioning the fight?

"I can guess what's in them," I said. 

My phone buzzed. A text from Cayden informed me he was already there, waiting for us.

As we filed into the elevator, the feeling of foreboding grew in intensity, making my breaths irregular. Jay's eyes darted between Andre and me. "What's in the papers? Don't beat yourself up, Jim. He deserved that punch and more. We can sue Wyatt for harassment. With everything he did and said, there's more than enough evidence. Nobody blames you."

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