24. Party for Two

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My birthday cake was a masterpiece — two tiers, three chocolates, and the texture so smooth it melted on my tongue

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My birthday cake was a masterpiece — two tiers, three chocolates, and the texture so smooth it melted on my tongue. After blowing out the candles, I made a wish and shared a piece of the dessert with Jim, who’d been showering me with love and attention all day.

I would have to be original two weeks from now when he turned twenty-three. Several ideas for a birthday party swirled in my head, but I wasn’t sure what he wanted. Fishing out info would become my priority when my party was over.

“Enjoying yourself?” Dad asked, draping an arm across my shoulders.

My gaze landed upon the pile of birthday presents next to the giant twenty made of golden and silver balloons.

“I am.” I leaned my head on Dad’s shoulder. “So much.”

Dad sighed, kissing my temple. “Jim’s a good guy. And he loves you. If I’m being honest, I was afraid he’d propose tonight. Don’t get me wrong; I’d be happy for both of you. I just don’t think I’m ready.”

“I’m not ready, either.” I smiled. “I mean, look at me. No studies, no job. I’d love to take the next step once I’ve achieved more.” And I was sure a proposal wasn't on my boyfriend's mind yet.

Dad chuckled. “I’m gonna tell you something. Those things surely matter. To you. But not to the person who loves you. Something tells me he’d be more than happy to be by your side while you go after your dreams. Your job won’t hug you and comfort you when you feel low.”

“Says the man who taught me to be independent.” I nudged his ribs.

Dad ran his fingers over my arm. “Says the man with a fulfilling career, but if someone asked me, I’d say my daughter is my greatest achievement.”

“I’m proud of who you are. And the kind of dad you are.”

“Aww.” Dad grinned. “Don’t make me drop my tough-guy façade in the presence of Hendrix. He’s supposed to fear me.”

I looked over at Jim, giggling. He respected my dad, but fearing him was a bit of a stretch.

“Don’t say it.” Dad pinched my bicep. “And on this optimistic note, I’m gonna say bye.”

“What? Why?”

“Clubbing’s tiring, pumpkin. I mean, I could, but I work tomorrow.”

I had no clue we were going to a club. How many surprises did Jim have in store for me?

“Okay.” I kissed Dad’s cheek. “I’ll be home tomorrow.”

“I know. Let me ask Harper and Leo if they want to share a cab.”

Dad walked over to my godfather, who was chatting with Harper, and I went to look for Jim.

He embraced me as soon as I was by his side and kissed my cheek. “Ready for the second part of the celebration?”

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