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I don't hate you, I don't love you
Don't know what it's like to touch you




Harry's Pov.

"So you're gonna go tonight right?" I asked Tyson as he sat on my desk in my office. "Yeah. I'm gonna scope it all out. See exactly what Grimaldis up to."

I nodded as I twirled my pen between my fingers in anxiousness.

"So how'd you get Renny out of it?" "Well she pretty much got herself out of it. She said she was sick. But tomorrow is the event and considering I made her tell him she was sick, she can't work the event because he'll be there. So i'm gonna pay her for that since i'm making her not work. She doesn't know that yet but yeah."

She's not exactly happy with me but I still don't know why. Besides the fact that she can't work the event but i'm gonna pay her for it. I'm gonna give her what I know she probably makes in tips, if not more.

"Ah, look at you being a good sugar daddy." "Fuck off, i'm not her sugar daddy. She works for me if you haven't noticed." "I was joking mate, relax. She could find much better looking sugar daddies than you."

Not to be cocky, but no she couldn't. Most sugar daddies are old and on the verge of croaking. Or just really ugly. Im also just not a fucking sugar daddy.

"Go annoy someone else. I've got work to do." Alrighty then. I'm out. See you tonight." "Why tonight?" "To update you on what the hell I saw." He smiled with his creepy ass big smile before walking out.

The rest of the day went fine and I got some shit done, including getting a private flight out for next week to go see this Louis guy race. Tyson set up a day for us to fly out to Chicago to watch him.

I shut everything off in my office and went up front where Renny was. I told Edie he could leave early because he had to drop off a deposit at the bank for me anyways.

I was shocked that there was two guys sitting in here. We literally close in 15 minutes. They were sitting separately though. The guy at this end of the bar just looked very drunk and half asleep while the other guy hadn't noticed me but his eyes were watching Renny's every move.

I know him. How the fuck do I know him?

I stayed off to the side to figure out who he could fucking be until it hit me.

He works with Grimaldi. I've never formally met him but i've seen him with him. It was a while ago though at business party of some sort. This was before Renny even started working here. Why the fuck is he here?

Renny had her back faced to him as she cleaned and put away things but his watchful eyes on her made it very clear he knew in some way who she was. He was being too attentive.

Gerald thinks she's sick. What if he fucking sent him to watch her? There's no way he's here by coincidence.

"So you live in Staten Island?" He asked her and she turned around with a little smile. "Yeah."

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