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Lately, I feel like my grip is gone
But you got my all




Renny's Pov.

It's Thursday night and i've been trying to pack since I got home from the bar. I haven't heard from Harry once since this morning. He even dropped me off at my appointment and got a car to pick me up and take me to the bar this morning. He said he had something to do in the city.

I've tried calling him like 3 times tonight because I don't know what the hell I need to pack. I also just wanted to call him because he usually would say something by now to me, especially since we're leaving tomorrow. I have yet to mention that to anyone by the way. Edie had also made me anxious because he said Harry told him he'd stop by the bar at some point and then he never did, now I can't get him to answer.

He's never not answered me.

I don't know. It just makes me anxious.

I just picked a few plain and simple outfits since Harry said most of my outfits were going to be picked out by his stylist. Which still baffles me that he has one.

I just feel so antsy. I don't know why. He just would've answered me by now and it just makes me wonder if something happened. Edie had to take me home too which is unlike Harry considering Edie thought Harry was coming by.

I don't know. Something is just off. I know it.

I walked into the living room to try and distract myself but I need to tell everyone i'm leaving tomorrow but Shi's door was closed. He must be asleep.

"Hey guys." I said as Mick and Audie turned their attention away from the tv and said hey back. "So i'm going out of town this weekend. Like tomorrow. Figured I should mention it." I told them as I plopped down on the couch.

"Out of town? Where?" Mick asked with confusion. "Look, it's not a big deal. I'm going to The Hamptons with Harry for some business horse race thing. He goes every year. Anyways, he wants me to go because Gerald came into the bar last night and wanted me to go to some thing this weekend, Harry overhead and then pretended that I had told him I had plans to go out of town. So anyways, now i'm going with him." I shrugged nonchalantly while still trying to swallow down the anxiety of not knowing where Harry is.

"Oh shit...." Audie said with a shocked look. "Just admit that you two have a thing. I'm sure you've had sex." Mick said and I just rolled my eyes. "We're not together. At all. Anyways, I just wanted to let you guys know I won't be here." "Get that dick girl. I like him more since the other night so i'm a fan. He was also very nice to me when he woke up one morning a couple weeks ago. Not sure if I told you that." Audie said and I furrowed my brows. "Well i'm glad everyone likes him oh so much." I rolled my eyes because he's actually a dick. "Shi hates him." Mick said and I nodded.

Shiloh and I haven't been really talking. I've tried but ever since Harry came over that night, it's been different. So different. I've tried saying little things to him but he barely responds and he won't talk to me like he normally does. It's giving me anxiety at this point.

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