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My skin's thick, but I'm not bulletproof
Try to numb myself like when you goin' to pull a tooth


Chapter 34

Renny's Pov.

"Zayn you killed it!" I complimented, him immediately picking me up in a hug.

I feel like over the last day we've spoken more than we ever have, which is awesome because i've always liked him. I love all of Cyrils friends to be honest.

"Thank you! I feel great after that to be honest." "Eh, you did fine." Shiloh complimented with a shrug as he watched the rest of the skaters finish up.

I smirked at Zayn who just sent one back.

Shilohs acting like a hardass once again.

It's now 11pm and we're about to head home after they place everyone. Zayn literally won one of the first tournaments of the day and came in third in another. This is his third one and he did insane. It makes me wanna learn to skate even more.

My legs were draped over Cyrils lap in the stands they had out here.

I haven't heard from Harry today at all. I've kept myself pretty busy today though so I didn't notice it too much but now it's getting closer to night and i'm wondering what he's doing.

"What's going through that busy mind?" Cyril mumbled to me quietly. "Hm? Nothing." "Don't gotta lie to me."

I sighed and shrugged.

"I'm just a bit tired if i'm being honest."

I looked around at the Boston skyscrapers around us and smiled.

"I like it here." "Me too. We'll come back just for a trip."

I smiled and nodded.

"And we can check out some restaurants and be all touristy." I smiled, him laughing with a nod. "Well of course we can."

I watched some skaters do tricks, all of them smiling when they land them in a way that made me smile myself. It's such a genuine kind of excitement when they land their tricks. All of them looking so badass, some kind of harsh, some really laid back but when they finish their session or land a good trick, they truly show a smile. A kid-like excitement evident on their faces.

I like it.

Zayn went to talk to some guys and I leaned over a bit more to Cyril.

"Think Zayn and Shi will finally talk?" I asked quietly, Shiloh far enough away to where he couldn't hear. "I hope so. I think Zayn really likes him but they either need to agree to be something or just be cordial. We're all friends and I wouldn't want it to be weird."

I nodded, agreeing with him fully.

"Guess we'll see." I chuckled, him giving me a deadpan look. "We both know Shi won't talk about shit with Zayn."

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