Chapter 33

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Lucas, Hugo and I trudged through the muddy field, Hugo kept laughing as he tried to catch butterflies, I think it is the first time I have actually seen him happy. Lucas- Well, he is a little to smart for me...Even though I am 16 and he's 12....I feel so embarrassed when he knows more things than me. Hugo tapped my leg, I jerked around to find him holding a butterfly. 

It was a monarch, I let out a small smile. 

''Isn't it pretty, Amicia? The butterfly is pretty, Just like you.'' He complimented me, I played with his small bit of hair. ''Thank you, Hugo.'' I replied, Hugo smiled and let go of the butterfly. He held onto my hand and we both caught up to Lucas, who was on the boardwalk over the lake, getting ready to get on the boat. I could feel Hugo's hand pull away from mine. 

''Amicia!? I don't want to go on the boat! Can we go back, Please!? Hugo pleaded to me, I bent down to his size. ''Nothing will happen, Hugo! It's Okay, You can sit on my lap.'' I replied, Hugo let out a nod as Lucas helped him on the boat, Hugo let out a whimper as I got on next, so did Lucas who began to use the oar to row the boat, Hugo held tight onto my hand. As Lucas rowed on, Hugo eventually fell asleep. Typical, Of course he fell asleep right after passing his threshold...Hugo's such a good kid. 

Lucas rowed on through the lake, I looked at the water....I could see my no longer innocent self in my reflection. I looked at Lucas. ''So, What's going to happen again?'' I asked, uneasy at my reflection. ''Okay, I am rowing us to a field, Amicia. A field with rats. This is a great place for Hugo to train to control the rats...It will all just click in his blood, He will become aware that you and I and the field is in danger because of the rats, That will trigger him to try to lead the rats away. Otherwise, We run for our damn lives and get back on the boat, fleeing the rats.'' Lucas replied, I let out a nod. 

''Lucas, Are you thinking to live somewhere?'' I asked again, Lucas looked at the water. ''Well... Yes. I am an orphan, It's hard moving to all these places, I guess. Yeah, So I am thinking to take a trip to England...It may not seem like it, But it won't take me long. There is this guarded place that I have been researching....No rats. In a moldy condition...But I am thinking to live there.'' I nodded at what he said. ''Lucas, Can Hugo and I come with you, Please?'' I pleaded, Lucas paused. 

''Of course you can, Amicia. You are always welcome...I think Hugo will like it.''

He replied, I let out a smile. ''Thank you, Lucas! Thank you so much!'' I beamed, Lucas let out a smile. ''Of course...Us orphans have to stick together, Right?'' He smiled, I nodded back. ''Right.'' I replied, Our boat bumped against a dock, making Lucas, Hugo and I move side to side for a minute, Lucas jumped out of the boat. I woke up Hugo gently, His eyes opened slowly as he yawned and sat up, I helped him off the boat, I got off myself. 

I looked towards the field, more rats than I can count were screeching on top of each other. 

Lucas pulled out his lighter. 

''We're Here.''

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