Chapter 41

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''Okay, That should to it.'' Grunted Lucas to me, Twisting our wheel on our wagon around slowly as I helped, Hoping that now when we ride it to France our wagon will be fast, just incase if we are on the run from mobs or rats. Being honest, Lucas Hugo and I will defiantly run into both, Billions of rats, Blood rushing mobs. It was no surprise Lucas didn't need my help, But I came out here anyway to help him with the wagon, And as you can see, I did! Helping The smart ass Lucas screw on a fixed wagon wheel. 

I smiled and stood up, raising my hands in the air. 

''Look At that, Lucas!! Looks like you do need my help from now on.'' 

I teased Lucas, watching him stand up. 

''Fille, Fille. Je sais.'' 

Came his reply, I raised an eye brow. 

''Hm. Didn't  know you speak French, You're pretty good.'' 

I praised, Surprised, Lucas rolled his eyes. 

''I don't understand how you didn't get that, I have an accent just like you and Hugo, I am come from London.'' Lucas replied, I put my hands on my hips and sighed. 

''Chienne.'' I hissed, walking back to our cottage, Lucas laughed. 

''Euh- Ne m'appelez pas une chienne, Petite princesse Francais!J'en sais plus francais que toi, Fille.'' 

Lucas replied, Laughing. 

I smiled at him and opened the front door to our cottage, finding Hugo sitting quietly at our rusty table.

I shut the door and walked in quietly, sitting down in a chair right across from Hugo. 

He looked up at me sadly, It made me uneasy. What is he holding back from me? 

''Are you alright?'' I asked, touching Hugo's burning hand. 

''Yes...I'm fine.'' He replied, I bit my lower lip. 

''You're lying to me.'' 


''Yes, You are lying.''

''No I'm not.'' 

''Yes you are.'' 

''No. I'm. Not.'' 

''Hugo, Stop it. Tell me the truth.'' 

''You stop it!''

''Hugo! Tell me the truth!''

''Leave me alone!''

Hugo stood up and slammed his chair against the table, making me rock back and forth in my chair. 

''What's wrong with you!?''

I hissed, standing up from my seat and glaring at him. 

''How could you say that!? I hate you so much! I wish you were never my sister! I don't want to go with you to France! I want to go somewhere else! I don't want to be with you! I hate you, Amicia! I never want to see you again!'' 

I froze. 


I whispered, Hugo's frown still plastered on his face. 

''How long have you been keeping this a secret from me?'' 

I mumbled, Looking down at my feet. 

''I don't want to answer that! I don't like you, I never did Amicia! You just boss me around all the time! You leave me, You ignore me! You don't even care! It was like mommy said, No one is ever nice when they are older! Especially you! I heard you talking to Lucas on the boat that day! I never ever want to go to France! I don't want to live there! But you won't listen! I won't go! I don't want to go!'' 

Hugo yelled, Fists tightly clenched together. 

I frowned. 

''First of all, Don't you tell me that! You are a little brat, Hugo! You are! All I do is care for you, I would never ever stop doing that! I make decisions that are safe for us, Hugo! That's all I do! That's fine, I don't need your ungrateful opinion for everything! I never do! That's fine if you hate me! That's fine!'' I hissed, Stepping closer to him. 

''If you really don't want to go to France with me, Then stay here! I'm fine with you dying!'' 

I gasped and covered my mouth frantically, My eyes wide as I stared at Hugo's heartbroken figure. 

''Hugo- I- I- didn't mean to-'' 

I didn't finish my sentence, Hugo's figure running out the door. 

I shook my head frantically and bursting out the door, Ignoring Lucas who looked at Hugo who ran to the fields. 

''Hugo! Hugo! Shit!''

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