Chapter 36

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Our boat that Lucas rowed rocked violently against the rough water. It kept Jerking Lucas, Hugo and I against each sides of the boat. I still held onto Hugo's hand as we got farther away from the dock, The screeching tower of rats right on the edge of the dock afraid of the water, other rats screeching and afraid as well. I looked at Hugo and hugged him tightly, I pulled away and smiled at him, He smiled back gently. ''I did it! Amicia, I did it!! Can't you believe it!?'' Beamed Hugo, who was swung to the left side of the boat, I held onto him tightly. 

''I am so proud of you, Hugo! I-'' 

I was interrupted by coughing, I pulled away from Hugo and leaned over the boat, at least I was coughing. 

I felt Hugo tug onto me, I jerked back, My voice hoarse. 

''Hugo....I'm fine..'' I was interrupted by my coughing again, I pulled away.

''Lucas, What's going on?'' I asked hoarse, uneasy from the rocking of us hitting on the boat. 

''Amicia! My oar- It's not working! This water is to dangerous, Amicia! I can't steer either! I can't get us back to the farm!'' Came Lucas's frantic reply, I coughed and put my hand on my chest.

''Lucas...I can do it.'' I coughed, reaching out for the oar. 

Lucas pulled away. 

''No! Amicia, Are you okay?'' He asked me, I didn't have an answer. 

''Just let me steer the boat, Lucas!'' I recalled again, trying to take the oar from him. 

He jerked away. 

''No, Amicia! No!'' He yelled back, I boiled inside. 

Our boat rocked side to side again, Throwing Lucas, Hugo and I on the left and right of the boat, I winced and grabbed onto Hugo's hand again. ''Stop arguing with me, Lucas! Give me the fucking oar!'' I fumed, Coughing again. ''I said No, Amicia!'' He yelled back to me, I frowned. 

''Give it to me!''

I yelled one last time, fuming at Lucas. 

''NO! I SAID NO!'' Yelled back Lucas, giving me a frightened but fuming look. 

Hugo tapped my shoulder frantically as I glared at Lucas who glared at me, I turned away from Lucas to Hugo. 

''Amicia!!! Look! Ah-'' Howled Hugo, Pointing ahead of me, Fear showing through his eyes. It made me uneasy as I coughed again. I turned to face the front of me, behind Lucas. 

The river ended. 

But not in a good way.

There was an arch that held fuming water against rocks, I recognized what it was. 

A Waterfall. 

My heart skipped a beat as I looked at Lucas, Who wouldn't look at me. 

''Lucas! Lucas! Waterfall! Behind you! Get us out of here!''

I pleaded, Lucas looking behind him and paddling the oar against the rocky water frantically, I shook my head. ''Lucas! That won't work! I don't know what to do!'' I yelped, Coughing again. Lucas shook his head frantically, I didn't know what to do to calm him down. 

''We are going to die here, Amicia! We are going to die!''

He finally yelled to me, I shook my head in denial, But it felt true. 

''No, Lucas! Don't think that!'' 

I replied upset, Our boat getting closer to the Waterfall. 

Lucas put his hands on his head and breathed heavily, I coughed again. 

''Amicia! I am going to die! I don't know how to swim, Amicia! I am going to die!''

Came his upset reply, I shook my head again. 

''I am not going to let you die! I promise!'' I fretted, looking at Hugo as our boat hit against rocks, we were deadly close to the Waterfall. 

''Hey, You hold onto my hand, Hugo. Okay? Never let go.'' 

I forced out of my mouth, trying not to cough. 

Hugo let out a nod and I squeezed his hand as I closed my eyes, Our boat finally falling over the edge of the Waterfall. 

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