Chapter 34

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I gulped quietly as I grasped onto Hugo's hand as tight as I could, eyeing the lighter Lucas held. ''Lucas? What are you going to do with the lighter? I don't think it could take down this many rats!'' I warned, Lucas turned around and shook his head. ''No, No, Amicia. Of course I know that...My lighter will be used to light a stick, So if the rats get to close we will scare them away.'' He replied softly, I bit my lip as I watched Lucas cautiously turn on his lighter and swoosh it around, making the rats in our way back down. I watched as he still held his lighter and picked up a stick that was bound together by other sticks, He then ran over to Hugo and I. 

Lucas then carefully light the stick with his lighter, making Hugo and I flinch from the impact. Lucas gave it me as He stared at Hugo. ''Amicia...I am trusting you with the fire. I am going to take Hugo near the rats...Stay close behind, but make sure to not scare that rats away with the fire...Or else it will not trigger Hugo to control them.'' He told me quietly, looking deeply into my blue eyes. I nodded, breaking eye contact. Lucas then bent down to Hugo, who let out a small frown. I looked at Hugo, Letting go of his hand. 

''Hugo, I need you to go with Lucas...Just a smidge close to the rats, Okay? I'll be right behind you...I need you to somehow-'' Lucas gave me a soft look, cutting me off. I think I shouldn't be telling Hugo what's really going on, so I stopped talking. Hugo whimpered as he held Lucas's hand hesitatingly. I nodded reassuringly as Hugo looked at me and walked close to the rats holding Lucas's hand, I followed close behind. 

Hugo whimpered as I watched the rats get closer. 

''Hugo...I need you to do something for me. I need you to bring yourself to where you are, who is around you...I need you to focus in on the rats...They can sense you Hugo....Focus...Focus on the rats...What are they saying to you?'' Instructed Lucas to Hugo, I saw how scared Hugo was. 

''Focus...Hugo. Close your eyes.'' 

Instructed Lucas again, staring at the rats who acted normal. 

I could sense that Hugo closed his eyes, Lucas looked at me. 

''Focus....Hugo...What are they telling you? What's going on? Embrace them, Hugo. Embrace.''

Whispered Lucas softly, I let out a little smile. 

The rats were beginning to circle around each other...Only a little bit of them though.

As the rats continued to pile on top of each other and circle more and more, Lucas looked at me. 

I knew what he was trying to say. 

It was working. 

I bit my lip as more and more rats began to circle around each other, Lucas spoke to Hugo softly again. 

''Tell me, Hugo. What are they saying?'' He asked, Lifting Hugo's arm up- facing the rats.

I saw Hugo shake his head, I bit my lip hard. 

''I-I- Don't know! I can't- My head! Mommy- Daddy! AMICIA!'' 

Hugo yelled back, I was only a step away from running to Hugo. 

Lucas shook his head. 

''This is good, Hugo. What else? What else are the rats telling you?'' 

Lucas asked Hugo softly again, More warn in his voice as the whole field of rats circled and screeched upon each other. 

I began to worry, I could see how frantically Hugo shook his head. 

''They- I don't know! I can- Amicia? Mommy! Mommy! Daddy! I can't- They won't let me! Mommy- Daddy, Amicia! They won't let me!''

Replied Hugo, Fear in his voice. I had to step in. 

''No! Hugo, It's okay! You can do it! Embrace the rats, Hugo! Focus! I am so proud of you, you know that. So is mommy and daddy! We are all so proud of you, Hugo. You can do it! It's alright, It's alright.'' I softly said to him, Lucas's eyes grew wide. 

Hugo paused silently. 

He then began to raise his hand up shakenly towards the rats. 

I stepped back, My eyes growing wide as I stared at Hugo. 

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