Chapter 35

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I couldn't believe what I saw. 

The rats- They were moving in the direction Hugo's hand was directing them to. 

Hugo was controlling the rats!

I stepped in horror and surprise, a smile plastered on my face. 

I still clutched the stick that held deadly fire, squinting to look at Hugo. 

Lucas smiled and stood up, He looked at me. 

''Hugo! You did it! You did it! Oh my lord, I- You did it!!'' I beamed to Hugo, Lucas smiling. 

''Hugo, I am so proud of you! It's okay now, Open your eyes! You can control the rats!'' Trilled Lucas, I could tell Hugo let out a giggle. 

I walked up to Hugo and watched as he slowly opened his eyes, smiling as he stared at the rats he controlled. 

''Okay, Hugo. Listen to what I say...Keep that hand up to direct the rats, don't let go of their thoughts.'' Lucas called, Hugo nodded without looking at him or me. 

''Okay. Move the rats to the right.'' 

I watched Hugo lead his hand to the right, the rats following the sense. 

''Move the rats to the left!''

Hugo obeyed and directed his hand to the left, the rats followed. 

I let out a joyful laugh as Hugo smiled, Lucas nodding happily. 

''How do you feel, Hugo?'' Questioned Lucas, Man. This kid has more questions then Hugo. 

''I can hear- The rats sounds in my ears...When I move them around, I can feel- I can feel them move...And my mind- It rings when I sense them...I don't know.'' Replied Hugo quietly, I took in a breath of relief. 

But the veins- They appeared again onto Hugo's skin. 

I frowned. 

''Lucas!? Why are the veins on Hugo appearing again?'' I frantically asked Lucas, He shook his head. 

''No, No. It's supposed to happen- When he controls the rats, Amicia. His whole body triggers- It makes the veins appear because he is now sharing a mind with the rats- This is better than I thought!''

Came Lucas's smart reply, staring at me. I shook my head smiling. 

Hugo continued to move the controlled rats around with his hand from a distance, I am so proud of him. 

As Lucas continued instructing Hugo and Hugo obeying, I noticed something odd. 

I felt the ground begin to shake under me. 

My heart skipped a beat as a boom echoed through my ears, startling Lucas and Hugo. 

I couldn't breathe as I saw a dark figure screech over to Hugo, Hugo whimpering. 

Lucas stepped back. 

''Oh- Oh, No! No! My- My rats! I can't control them!'' Warned Hugo, His controlled rats screeching over to the dark figure. I tugged onto Hugo's hand, running towards the dock. I looked behind me, Lucas still stood in the field. ''Lucas!! Lucas! Come on! Come on!'' I frantically yelled to him, Hugo tugging onto my hand this time. 

''No! Amicia, Hugo can do it! Get him over here! He can fight whatever that is over there! Get him over here!''

Ordered Lucas's reply to me, I shook my head. 

''No! Lucas, He isn't ready! He isn't ready!''

I looked at Hugo frantically, The veins still showed across his face. 

I looked at the lake, It was no longer calm. 

It was rough, rocky. A terrible current. It barely made out boat float away. 

But Lucas, Hugo and I needed to get out of here. 

Sighing, I threw the stick of fire that was extinguished by hard rain into the water, I held onto Hugo's shoulders. 

''Hey...I am going to go get Lucas, Really quick, Okay? I need you to protect us with the rats, Whatever you can do. I won't be long.'' I reassured Hugo, He let out a nod. I nodded back and ran towards Lucas, tugging on his arm. 

''Lucas! Stop it! Let's go! You are going to die!'' 

I fumed, Slapping him in the face. 

I heard him wince and turn towards me, a red color plastered across his cheek. 

''Why did you do that, Amicia!? That hurt!'' Lucas fumed towards me, I shook my head. 

''Let's go!!'' I yelled again, Ignoring his comment. 

I took his hand and ran towards the boat, Hugo's arm raised behind Lucas and I. 

I pushed Lucas onto the dock, Hugo's eyes growing wide as He reached out his hand to me. 

Keep going, Amicia! Run! Run! Just for another moment! Run! Run!

I thought to myself, My heart pounding in my chest and air escaping my lungs, I couldn't breathe. 

I made my way closer to the dock, Hugo's veined hand coming clear to my eyes. 

I was almost there....But I tripped on a rock, Making me stumble in front of Hugo...And Lucas.  

Not again!

I winced and kicked the rock off of my boot, Until I froze as I looked above me. 

The tower of rats.

It stood above me....Screeching. 

My heart skipped a beat as I began to cough in it's presence, A sharp pain hit my skin. 

I began to lose air in my chest, I hyperventilated as darkness filled my eyes. 

I began to cough harder this time. 

I realized what was happening. 

I was dying. 

The Plague- The sickness the tower of rats brought to me.

I closed my eyes as I heard the tower of rats screech, Lucas helping me up by my arms. 

I coughed again and fully opened my eyes, The shaking figure of Hugo trying to take down the tower of rats, I tugged on his arm and stepped into the boat with Hugo and Lucas, who rowed away with us inside the boat, rocking against the rough water. 

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