Chapter 2

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After completing your research, you decided to head down to the training room to see if there were any clones training today. The training facility in the Jedi Temple was not as elaborate as the one on Kamino, but it did the job.

You walked into the viewing area and took a seat. After a few squads went through some of the attack scenarios, there was a crowd that grew in the viewing area, but you were not sure why.

"Padawan," you called to a group of young ones giggling to one another. He walked up to you and bowed his head awaiting your response. "What is happening that has drawn such a crowd?"

"Clone force 99 is running the citadel," he said excitedly, "a lot of us come around to watch them train."

"I see," you responded a hint of a smile on your face.

Realization seemed to hit this young padawan as he got a little more excited, "aren't you general (Y/N), the leader of clone force 99?"

You nodded to him, "yes, young one."

He shuffled his feet nervously, "I study a lot of your missions and strategies, Master Fisto says it has helped my training."

"Well that is good, young one," you said, placing a hand on his shoulder, "go back to your friends, I imagine they will begin the simulation soon."

He nodded gratefully and ran back to his friends to watch below excitedly.

Within no time, clone force 99 had entered the training room and the citadel simulation was beginning. Your eyes locked with Hunter for a moment, he was able to sense you in the room because of his enhanced tracking abilities. He nodded to you slightly before putting his helmet on and instructing the others.

They completed the citadel simulation with little difficulty and you watched, studying their moves and anticipating their next ones. This squad was truly something to behold, they were unlike any other squad you had seen.

Wrecker wasted no time taking off his helmet and waving to the padawans watching them. You smiled to yourself at his carefree nature, something so rare in a time of war.

You stood up and walked out of the viewing area and decided to take a walk through the halls of the temple. You ended up walking through the clone barracks and turned a corner nearly running over someone.

"Ah general, my apologies," Tech said, taking a step back. You had walked right into the middle of clone force 99 who seemed to be celebrating their show in the training facility.

"No apology necessary, Tech," you said, "I watched your impressive show on the citadel simulation, well done."

"Thank you, general," Echo said proudly.

"You were watching us?!" Wrecker said all too loudly, "ah we should have done a better job for the general."

You held your hands up with a laugh, "oh Wrecker, you all did well."

"I thought you had a meeting with the counsel," Hunter said curiously.

You turned your attention to him, "I had an informal conversation with a few masters, I won't give my report to the counsel until we reconvene in a few days."

"The counsel does not meet everyday?" Crosshair asked curiously.

"Not unless we have to, we usually record reports on holograms or write them, I will only have to speak about the report if the counsel has questions," you explained, "I had no idea you were all so curious about the Jedi."

"We were always curious about the way it works, I have done extensive research but a lot of it is hard to get a hold of," Tech interjected.

You laughed, "I am disappointed Tech, I figured no computer was a match for you."

They all laughed and Echo nudged Tech's shoulder, "yea Tech, how can you not find anything?"

Tech looked at you in embarrassment and surprise. "Well, I can answer most of the questions you have," you said, "at least the ones I know myself."

"Hunter, might I have a word?" you asked motioning for him to walk with you down the hallway.

"We'll meet you back at our barracks, Hunter," Wrecker called after him as they disappeared around the corner.

"Yes, general?" Hunter asked as you had gotten a little ways away. He knew if you asked for him alone, it was important. You often confided in Hunter more so than the other generals did with their clone leaders, but you trusted Hunter with your life and was your closest friend.

"Master Windu approached me about the freedom I give you on the battlefield," you explained, "he believes that I should be structured and more involved."

"We make the plans together," Hunter responded, "how much more involved does he want you to be?"

"I'm not sure, maybe he wants me to be attached to your hip," you said sarcastically.

Hunter sighed, "we knew when we joined combat that our squad was experimental, but I always thought our successes were worth the risk." He raked a hand through his hair.

"They are, at least to me," you said, placing a hand on his shoulder, "I trust you all with my life, and I will continue to defend you to whoever doubts, but things are getting worse out there. As the war continues on, more systems and more people are fearing the end of the conflict. We all have to find where we fit into a world of peace."

"Won't the republic always need a standing army?" Hunter asked.

"Unfortunately, that is not the Jedi's call, it would be up to the chancellor, and I greatly fear his intentions," you confided quietly.

"I sense something strange in him as well, he can to see our squad when we were still training, never quite liked the way he spoke," Hunter whispered.

"Be careful who you say that to, Hunter, you never know who is listening," you warned, "people who speak out against him always end up lost."

Hunter nodded in response and you both turned back and walked towards their barracks. "I hope someday to be able to have a happy conversation," you said as you got closer to their living quarters.

"One day, general," Hunter agreed.

"I must say, despite the uncertainties, I am looking forward to an end to this conflict," you said softly.

"Me too, it will be nice to relax in a peaceful galaxy," Hunter responded.

You had arrived at the door to their living quarters and you nodded goodbye, "goodnight Hunter, I'll see you all in the morning for debrief."

"Goodnight, general," he responded, bowing slightly. He watched you walk away down the hall back to the heart of the temple and to your own living quarters. There was something about you Hunter could not place, something that made him both happy and nervous.  

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