Chapter 4

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You gathered the rest of your things and started walking towards the landing platform towards your ship. The rest of the squad was already there waiting for you.

"About time," Wrecker said jokingly, grabbing your things and throwing them in the ship for you, "Echo was ready to leave without you."

Echo snapped his head around in shock and tried to stutter an explanation.

You chuckled, "my apologies, I needed to speak with master Kenobi."

"We are precisely on schedule," Tech said motioning for everyone to hurry into the ship, "I have already begun the takeoff sequence and we are ready to depart."

"Easy, Tech," Hunter said as you all sat down and strapped in, "we will make it in time to reinforce General Billaba."

"You misunderstand," Tech continued, focusing on taking off, "my primary motivation for leaving the planet is to avoid another encounter with anyone on the jedi counsel."

Your smile faded, "and why is that?"

"Because at any moment they could take the mission away, and I am looking forward to seeing the darksaber in person," Tech explained, a slight blush appeared on his cheeks.

Your smile returned but you said nothing, instead closing your eyes as you felt the ship take off and fly into space. You had a moment of rest from the quick ascent before the ship was pulled into lightspeed and you were surrounded by white and blue as you travelled across the galaxy.

Once the ship stabilized, you all unbuckled yourselves and began to walk about the cabin and all settled into the common area. Hunter sat in the corner sharpening his knife. Wrecker lounged at the table, eating snacks and relaxing. Crosshair was crouched against the wall cleaning his gun. Tech sat at the table typing away at his datapad. Echo was leaning back in a chair with his eyes closed. But you sat directly in the middle of the common area cross-legged and began to meditate.

You found it was soothing to meditate in the company of your squad, their presence gave you a feeling of security and peace. They were always respectful of your meditation, staying as quiet as possible and allowing you to relax.

Once you reached into the force, you were immediately transported to the vision you had earlier. You relived the vision once again, but it was just as traumatizing as the first time. You came back to reality hunched over on the floor and gasping for air.

Hunter was at your side in an instant supporting your weight so you could focus on breathing. "(Y/N), are you alright?" he asked, concerned.

You finally caught your breath and sat up. Hunter let you go, but stayed at your side. "Yes, I am fine thank you," you assured him, but no one looked convinced.

"The was quite a lot of gasping for being all right," Crosshair said from the wall, setting down his gun and giving you his full attention.

"You were only meditating for 20 minutes," Tech said setting his datapad down for a moment, "according to my logs, you usually meditate for at least 45 minutes before each mission."

"Thanks for that, Tech," you said sarcastically, sitting up, but remaining on the floor.

"Are you going to tell us what has been bothering you," Hunter asked, settling in next to you. There was no anger in his voice, only concern. "You have been off all morning, something is obviously troubling you."

"You are too observant for your own good," you said, a humorless chuckle escaping you.

No one said anything, they all just leaned in waiting for you to speak. You sighed, "I had a vision this morning, one that I was not supposed to share..." you continued and recounted your vision in every detail to your squad despite Master Yoda's warning. There was something about the batch that made you safe, something that made you trust them, and there was no secret you were willing to keep from them.

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