Chapter 32

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Several hours later you arrived on Ord Mantell and made your way to Cid's parlor. As you walked inside you could tell that something was wrong, there was no one in the parlor, not even the few regulars that always drank in the corner. Tables were overturned and there was a thick layer of dust on everything.

You held your finger up to your mouth to quiet the others. As they entered the parlor, shock was evident on all of their faces. You knelt down and whispered in Omega's ear, "I want you to go to the storage room and hide, do not come out unless it is one of us, understand?"

She looked frightened but nodded. You watched her run off through the door to the storage room and presumably find a place to hide.

You pulled out your gun and nodded for the others to follow you. You slowly walked through the parlor and entered Cid's main office, but it was dark inside and your eyes had not adjusted yet.

"Well, it's about time you got back," Cid's voice came through the darkness. You heard Wrecker sigh in relief, but you had not lowered your weapon.

"Turn on the light, Cid," you responded.

"I can't do that at the moment," she replied, a hint of warning and fear in her voice.

Before you could respond the lights flicked on and your eyes adjusted to the light quickly. Surrounding Cid were about 10 pikes, all holding guns facing you. You could see on Cid's face the torture she had already endured from the scrapes and bruises on them.

"Where is the tactical information?" one of the pikes asked, not allowing you time to speak first.

"You hired Cid, why have you harmed her?" you asked, ignoring their question.

"She promised the information a few days ago and has not delivered," the pike hissed, "I will ask one more time, where is the droid?"

You said nothing, and the pike moved his gun to train on you, "I will not ask again," he said angrily.

Hunter stepped up between you and the pointed gun raising his hands in surrender, "hey hey," he said nervously, "no need to start waving those things around."

The pike did not lower the gun, "the droid?"

"We don't have it," Hunter said, still standing in front of you, "it was stolen from us."

"Well well," the pike responded, finally lowering his weapon, "that is quite all right."

Wrecker scoffed confused, "really?"

"Yes," the pike hissed mischievously, "if it was stolen, simply retrieve it again and we will consider your debt squared."

"That information is long gone by now," Echo protested.

The pikes had already begun to move out of the room, "small matter, two days should be sufficient time to retrieve the data."

Echo opened his mouth to protest again, but you waved your hand to silence him. The pike spoke again, "we shall meet you on Concordia, in two days time to exchange the droid for the promised price," he hissed, "and don't think about not showing up, we can find you anywhere."

Then he was gone. You let out the breath you did not know you were holding and sighed in relief.

Cid spun in her chair a moment tapping her foot and looking between all of you before sighing, "well, that was foolish." 

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