Chapter 10

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Tech touched the ship down outside the farmstead of Cut and Sue. As the door emerged you noticed Omega looking over the landscape awestruck.

"You've never been off Kamino have you?" you asked her kneeling down next to her still on the ship while the others moved along.

"No," she responded.

You smiled at her, "well come on then, you have a whole universe to explore."

She smiled excitedly and bounded after Hunter and the others. You shook your head in amusement and caught up with everyone as you walked towards the homestead.

As you crossed the gate, a Twi'lek with a large barrelled gun came walking out from behind the barn, "look here, more clones that have lost their way," Sue said quietly lowering her gun, "and a Jedi, that's new."

Echo and Omega were taken off guard by her attitude but you walked right up to Sue and wrapped her in a hug, which she returned just as tightly, "Hey Sue, it's been a long time," you said finally releasing her.

She smiled at you, "I am glad the betrayal of the clones has not affected you, it is good to see you alive."

"All thanks to them," you said gesturing to the batch, "they saved me and brought me along with them."

"I see some new faces," she said, glancing at Echo and Omega.

"Yes, this is Echo," you responded, "and Omega, our newest recruit."

Sue nodded to each of them, "Omega, if you go around behind the house, my children are there, I am sure they would love to have a new friend to play with."

She looked between you and Hunter for a moment, you gave her a little nod and watched her run around to the back of the house. "Come inside," Sue said leading the way, "Cut has been waiting for you."


Cut filled you in on the imperial activity on Selucamite and warned you that the empire was everywhere now. "Selucamite is not safe anymore, Sue, the kids and I are booking passage on the next shuttle out of here," he explained.

"There is a new system the Empire is implementing, everyone on and off planets need to register for a chain code," Tech explained scrolling through his datapad, "you won't be able to book passage without one."

"Why would the empire do that?" Cut asked, his face was laced with concern.

You sighed, "they are registering people, they could create a database of everyone and know where they are at all times but logging the transports they've taken."

"It's kind of genius," Tech whispered to himself.

"It is also problematic for Cut," Hunter responded, "if he tries to sign up for a chain code, they will realize who he is and arrest him."

You all sat in silence for a few minutes trying to decide what to do, "Tech, do you think you could forge a few chain codes for them?"

Tech looked up for a moment, "I only learned about them moments ago, but yes I think I could do that."

"Excellent, get to work," you replied, "Echo why don't you help him."

They both nodded and walked out of the house and went back to the ship. "Wrecker, why don't you go and check on Omega," you suggested. He nodded and walked out of the house and around the back to check in on the kids.

It was only Cut, Sue, you and Hunter left in the room. "Alright, so who is the girl?" Cut asked both you and Hunter.

"She's a defective clone," Hunter answered, "she warned us about an attack on Kamino and it was no longer safe for her there."

Cut nodded, "and what about Crosshair?"

Hunter hung his head so you answered him, "his inhibitor chip was amplified and he works for the empire now."

"Speaking of the inhibitor chips," Hunter said, thankful for the change in subject, "our genetic defects protect us, but what about you?"

Hunter asked the question no one else thought to ask, but Cut was waiting for it. "Captain Rex stopped by here right after the fall," he explained, "gave no explanation but was able to remove my chip. I heard the order, but I had been away for so long it did not affect me as much."

Sue spoke up, "have you removed your chips?"

Hunter looked up at her surprised, "no, they were defective, why would we need to remove them?"

"Rex was quite adamant that all clones needed them to be removed," Cut explained, "but I'm not sure how he did it."

Hunter looked at you seemingly asking if you wanted them to get them removed. You spoke directly to him, "It's something we can try and figure out, but we need to find a safe place to stay for a while first."

Cut interrupted, "well you can stay here as long as you need, but we need to get out of here," he explained gesturing to Sue.

Sue nodded, "troops have been coming around and taking in ships, appearing on doorsteps and forcing people to the city," she explained, "luckily we had enough warning for Cut to hide from them, but things are getting worse everywhere."

You nodded to them in understanding, "where will you go?" You settled into a seat next to Hunter while he was still hunched over, deep in thought.

Sue placed her hand on Cut's shoulder, "find a remote stretch of land somewhere, that's all we need," she responded.

You smiled at them, "check out the Illenium system, there are several habitable but remote moons," you suggested, "and there is always Lothol, there is so much open space, the empire would never be able to find you, especially if they aren't actively looking."

Hunter sat up a little, rejoining the conversation, "it's close to Gurrel too, you could get your supplies pretty cheaply there," he added, "and a lot of venders do deals under the table."

Cut and Sue looked at each other and nodded, "let's check out Lothol then, might be a nice place for the kids."

You smiled at them and you sat around the room in comfortable silence for a few moments before you heard the frightened screams of children coming from the back yard. 

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