Chapter 35

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The pike hissed out the word, Jedi, and for a moment you were frozen in time. Your worst fear had come, your past had caught up with you and it endangered your friends. You must had looked ridiculous frozen in fear, for as your thoughts raced you could do nothing.

Hunter had his hands around your face shouting your name above the racket as the imperial landing crafts were close by. He finally brought you back to reality and pulled you back behind the crates with the others.

"How could this have happened?" Rex asked, immediately going back into military mode.

"They recognized me from a long time ago, a mission before the clone wars," you explained.

"Well what do we do now?" Echo asked.

"We run, obviously," Rafa answered.

"We can get in the ships and get out of here before they actually land," Trace explained.

You sighed, "if we attempt to fly out of here, the star destroyer will just shoot our craft down. There is only one thing we can do now - fight."

"We cannot hope to defeat the empire, we are severely outnumbered," Tech added, "I have ran a scan of their landing crafts, there are at least 100 soldiers in them."

Everyone was silent, weighing one impossible option over the next. You could tell the crafts were about ready to land, if you were going to do something, it had to be now.

Surprisingly, it was Hunter who broke the silence, "if this is going to be where it ends, we might as well take as many stormtroopers with us as we can."

The others hesitated, but quickly smiled, "let's make the end memorable, boys!" Rex said with a shout.

After their excitement weaned off, they all looked to you, even Cid, Rafa and Trace looked to you for leadership.

You smiled at them, then crouched down so the others could gather above you. "Alright, we are going to move these crates in wave formation, I want 2 crates 30 yards up and every 10 yards behind until you reach the ships, the ships are our final fall back position," you explained, "Wrecker, pull anything out of both ships that can be used as a barrier and supplement the crates with them, we should have 3 sets of crates in each wave." You watched as Wrecker went to move things out of the ships then continued, "Hunter and Rex, you take the right side of the waves, use detonators and blasters to keep them at bay as long as possible. Tech and Echo, you do the same from the left side," you instructed. "Cid, keep everyone stocked on ammo and fill in where needed. I'll run up the middle of each wave and cover when we need to fall back," you ordered. Then you turned to the girls, "Rafa, Trace, I need you to sneak around the back and disable the landing crafts so if we have to make a quick escape, they can't follow us. Take Omega with you, but this is a stealth mission, you disable the crafts, then get back here and hide out in the ships," you instructed, "the three of you do not need to see a battle."

Everyone nodded and ran to begin their assignments, everyone helping to move the barriers in place.

"What's my assignment, general?" Wrecker asked once everyone else was in position.

"Run up the left side with Hunter and Rex," you said. Then you tossed him a few extra detonators, "and blow things up."

Wrecker secured the explosives to his pack and smiled at you before running off to the fist barrier.

The empire had just landed and moved out of the craft, you watched them deliver a large sum to the pikes before the last of the pikes boarded their craft and left the scene.

You watched as the command troopers established a position directly in front of you. Your heart sank when you realized who one of them was. "Eyes up," you said into your com device, "Crosshair is with them."

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