Chapter 9

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After a few days of wandering in deep space with no idea where to go, the rations were running low and the ship was in need of fuel and repairs.

"We need to find a port to land in and get some repairs, fuel and food," you said sitting down in the common area with everyone else.

"The problem is there are few habitable places to go that won't recognize us," Tech answered.

"Well no one is going to recognize us if we are dead," Wrecker interjected. Omega's eyes grew wide at the word dead and she looked around frightened.

You placed a hand on her shoulder, "no one is going to die little one," you whispered. After she calmed a little, you shot Wrecker an angry look which he did not pick up on.

"We could head to Selucamite, perhaps Cut could help us," Hunter suggested.

"Do you really think that Cut would risk his family to help us?" you asked.

Echo interjected, "I don't follow, who is Cut?"

You turned to him, "Cut is a clone as well, a deserter before the end of the Clone Wars, he has helped us on many occasions and given us a place to stay on long mission away."

"A deserter?" Echo responded surprised, "can we really trust a deserter?"

"We are technically all deserters now," Tech said sarcastically.

"I trust Cut and his family, they will help us if they can," you responded, "but we have to decide if it is something we are willing to ask for."

Hunter sighed and ran a hand through his hair, "I am not sure we have much of a choice at this point."

"Selucamite it is then," Tech responded, "I will make the necessary changes to the hyperdrive."


Later that night, Echo pulled you aside. "General I trust your judgement, but I don't know how we could trust a deserter," he confided, "where does his loyalty lie?"

You motioned for him to sit down and you sat across from him, "did you ever learn the story of how we found out about Cut?"

"No," Echo answered.

"Well it was Captain Rex who found him and made the call to not report him to the Republic," you explained, "Rex was badly injured, Cut and his family gave him food and medical attention even though they did not need to help. When the droids eventually found them Cut saved Rex's life again," you paused trying to gauge Echo's reaction. "It was at that moment Rex knew that he did not abandon his sense of brotherhood, and he let Cut go."

Echo pondered the story for a moment before responding, "I suppose if Rex trusts him, I can to."

You squeezed his shoulder, "good man."

Hunter was at the small table sharpening and polishing his knife while Omega watched him closely. You took a seat right next to Hunter and held out your hand for the knife. "Really? Right now?" he said amused.

"I want to show Omega how to play the game, that way she doesn't just have to sit and watch you," you chuckled, still holding out your hand.

Omega jumped up excitedly and plopped on the seat next to you, "I want to learn!"

"Ok little one, but you have to be still," you said, wrapping an arm around her. Hunter laughed and handed you the knife. "Alright Wrecker, make a mark," you said, closing your eyes.

With your eyes closed you whispered in Omega's ear, "the trick is to listen, turn off everything else and listen to his footsteps, the clink of armor, the sound of the wall scraping. Anticipate where he is."

"Alright, general, it's marked," Wrecker said from the corner of the room.

You kept your eyes closed and remembered where Wrecker had walked, you could almost relive his movements. You twirled the knife in your hand for a moment and then threw it at the mark.

"Woah," you heard Omega breathe before you even opened your eyes. The knife was perfectly aligned with the middle of the x Wrecker had drawn on the wall.

"Can I try?" Omega said excitedly as you walked back after wedging the knife out of the wall.

You glanced at Hunter who was amused and chuckled. "Sure, little one, but you need to be careful," you said, handing her the knife and resting both hands on her shoulders.

"Close your eyes," you whispered as Wrecker moved about the cabin to leave another mark. "Listen to his movements."

You could feel Omega breathing slowly, really concentrating. Wrecker moved out of the way and nodded to you. "Alright Omega, go ahead," you said, moving away from her to give her space to move.

She seemed to still be concentrating. You leaned against the edge of the seat and smiled at Hunter, he returned your smile and looked genuinely at peace.

Omega finally moved and threw the knife, it landed just off center from the x Wrecker made on the wall. She opened her eyes and jumped excitedly in Wrecker's outstretched arms. "Way to go, kid!" he shouted, parading her around.

You shot Hunter a knowing look but waited for Omega and Wrecker to leave the room before speaking, "there is no way she should have been able to make that shot."

"I know," Hunter responded, rubbing his chin in concentration.

"There is more about her that we did not realize, perhaps we test her more?" you suggested.

"Test her?" Hunter asked, confused, "she's just a kid."

"Hunter, she is more than that. She was genetically altered, just like you, which gives her enhanced abilities of some kind, but we do not know what yet," you explained.

He let his shoulders slump, "let me guess, you have a theory?"

You leaned closer to him and began, "I took a page out of Tech's book and did some digging, it is well documented that the Kaminoans were working on genetically altering clones, but they were also trying to create clones with enhanced abilities similar to a Jedi. Nala Se has always held Omega in a high regard, this is the treatment a scientist would give their biggest success. I believe Omega might be a child of the force, or something similar to it."

"You think Omega is a jedi?" Hunter asked, surprised.

"I believe that she has the potential to be, she is likely force sensitive in one way or the other. You can tell by the way she acts towards others, the way she picks up things so easily, the way she is tune to the emotions of those around her," you explained, "these are things we look for in young children before we recruit for the temple."

"So what do we do?" Hunter asked.

"For now, we care for her and give her a home," you responded, "she is a child, but if she is what I think, it will only be so long before people come looking for her. We have to be ready to protect her."

Hunter nodded. You were both troubled by this possibility. If Omega was a successful force sensitive clone, the Kaminoans, the empire, and everyone else would be coming for her. As possibly the last remaining Jedi, you knew you would protect the girl, you had to.

Hunter reached out and gripped your hand tightly as a comfort. He knew you were thinking it was your responsibility to care for Omega because of who she was, you were both willing to die to protect her. You leaned against his frame and sat together in comfortable silence before the ship emerged overlooking Selucamite.  

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