Chapter 13

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You arrived on Florum a few days later, it was so far in the outer rim, it took a lot of fuel to get there. Tech maneuvered the ship across the planet to the coordinates of Hondo's stronghold.

"Touch down over there," you instructed as a large fortress came into view. You pointed to a space that was just on the edge of the campus, close enough to keep an eye on the ship, but far enough to be able to make a quick exit.

As you touched down you noticed a great deal of pirates loitering and walking closer to the ship. Before Tech released the door you spoke to them, "keep your weapons close, just because Hondo owes me a debt does not mean that there are not some here that would betray him."

The group nodded back to you and secured some weapons on their belts. Omega looked around excitedly, "Omega, come here please," you said to her.

She bounced over to you, her bright eyes open wide, "this is for you, but I trust you will not use it unless you absolutely have to," you said handing her a small knife.

She smiled at you as you helped her secure it on her belt. You tapped the communication device on her wrist that Tech had given her on the way here, "use this before the knife," you instructed, "and stay close to one of us."

She nodded a quick yes and thank you before bouncing over to Wrecker and showing him the knife you had given her.

"A knife?" Hunter asked, whispering in your ear as the bay doors opened and you began to walk out of the ship.

"She needs to be able to protect herself," you whispered back, "and I do hope she never has to use it."

Hunter opened his mouth to say something more, but you were cut off by a band of pirates waiting for you, weapons raised. "What is your business here?" one of them asked.

Everyone reached for their weapons but you raised your hand to stop them, "I have come to speak to Hondo."

"Hondo doesn't accept visitors these days," the pirate responded.

"He will want to speak to me," you replied confidently.

"And who are you?" the pirate asked.

"Ah, (Y/N)," a familiar voice broke in, "I was a-wondering when you would come back around."

You winked at Hunter and turned around, placing a large flirtatious smile on your face. "Hondo Onaka, just the man I was looking for."

Hondo approached you and wrapped you in a large hug, which you returned. "General (Y/N), the only woman in the galaxy to break my heart."

You pulled away from the hug but Hondo kept one arm around you, "let me introduce you to my friends," you said, allowing your arm to do a sweeping motion to everyone, "Hunter, Echo, Wrecker, Tech and Omega."

Hondo laughed, "clones by the looks of them, although a little different." You nodded in response, "so what brings you to Florum, my dear?"

"I was hoping to collect on that debt you owe me," you said. Hondo's smile fell for only a second before throwing an arm around your shoulder and pulling you towards the entrance of the stronghold, "come, come," he said as you allowed him to lead you, "we shall discuss this matter a little more privately.

The batch followed closely behind you, as did the other pirates. Inside the fortress there was lights, music and all kinds of things to help you forget, it was just like it always was - a mess of sweat and people trying to forget their problems. Hondo saw you admiring the scene, "The empire has not reached Florum as it has other systems," he explained, "things are pretty normal around here."

You smiled and he continued to lead you to a small room off the main floor where everyone was, you knew this place to be his personal office. He released your shoulder and held open the door, "Jakobu, please get general (Y/N)'s friends a drink," he ordered one of the pirates, "we won't be long."

Jakobu tried to lead the others away but Hunter pushed him to the side, "where she goes, I go," he said over the ruckus of the main floor.

Hondo's amused smile appeared on his face, "does the general need backup now-a-days?"

Hunter looked at you desperately and you nodded to him before turning your attention to Hondo, "certainly not, but now-a-days one can never be too careful."

You motioned for Hunter to stand next to you and Hondo sighed, "I suppose I cannot blame you for that, I heard about what happened to the jedi."

Your smile fell as you entered the room, "don't," you warned him, "I am not here to talk about the jedi."

You took a seat on the couch in the corner of the room and Hondo came to sit next to you, draping his arm across your shoulders. Hunter moved to sit by you, but you shook your head in warning. He took the hint and leaned against the wall a safe distance from you.

Hondo offered you a drink, but you put your hand up and pushed it away, "I have not come all this way for pleasantries Hondo."

His smile faltered but he quickly replaced it with a shrug, "No time for old Hondo anymore?"

"Unfortunately, no," you admitted. Hondo was one that knew the truth before you even spoke, he had eyes and ears everywhere. You decided to tell him the truth, "we are on the run from the new Empire, we need fuel, supplies, money. Anything to get us moving again."

Hondo shook his head, "I can make sure your ship is repaired and filled with fuel," you answered, "but that settles our debt, the other things would cost extra."

You gave him a look, "come one Hondo, I know you have a storage facility filled with supplies you will never use."

He smiled at you, "yes but a man needs to make a profit somehow."

You stood up and walked over to where Hunter stood, you glanced back at Hondo, "while you make the repairs to the ship, I will talk to the rest of my squad regarding payment for the other things." You took a few more steps towards the door of the office space before leaning back into the room, "and I assume our drinks and a room to stay in can go on your tab," you said with a wink.

Hondo chuckled but there was a genuine smile on his face, "you are going to run me out of business (Y/L/N)."

You smiled at him one last time and walked out of the office, Hunter right behind you.  

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