Chapter 34

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The others had gathered around the spice containers as a barrier. A landing craft had just left the large ship still in the atmosphere and was slowly descending to where your small party awaited.

You knelt down to look Omega in the eyes, you could tell she was trying very hard to not show how frightened she was. "Omega," you said to her lightly, "I need you to stay by Wrecker at all times, understand? No matter what happens he will protect you and you need to do as he says."

Omega nodded then wrapped you in a tight hug. It shouldn't have hurt you so much, but it felt like a goodbye. She put on a brave face and walked over to Wrecker, standing slightly behind him and the crates.

You took a deep breath in and smoothed the sides of your hair before walking to stand next to Hunter. "Are you ready for this?" he asked, gesturing to your lightsaber still hidden under your cloak.

You shook your head, "I hope to not have to use it."

Hunter nodded, "what did you say to Omega?"

You looked at him and cracked a humorless smile, "you're fishing for something."

Hunter looked at you with all seriousness, "you told her goodbye didn't you? You are planning on leaving."

You placed a hand on his shoulder, "I do not want to leave Hunter, but if something were to happen to me, I need to know she will be protected," you explained, "I told her to stay with Wrecker and I have given Wrecker instructions to take her and Marauder out of here if things go wrong."

Hunter looked back up at the descending ship, "you really think Wrecker would leave a fight?"

You chuckled, "no, but I have contingencies."

"Care to share?" Hunter asked.

You shook your head and watched the pikes ship land across the clearing from where you stood. You tightened your cloak around your shoulders, but kept a hand on your lightsaber, next to you Hunter pulled on his helmet and you watched as the rest of the clones did the same.

"This is com check," Tech's voice came on everyone's communicator. "Check," everyone responded in turn.

You looked across the clearing and saw the bay doors lower and a group of pikes walk out to the center of the clearing.

"I have a bad feeling about this," Rafa's voice came through the communicator.

You pushed her voice out of your mind and took a few steps out from behind the crates. You stopped and turned to Hunter, giving him a small nod. He nodded back and fell into step with you as you crossed the clearing.

You stopped about 10 yards from the pikes. "Do you have the information?" the leader hissed.

You took a deep breath, shaking away your fear and responded, "the information that was stolen is long gone, we tried to make contact with the thief and they have dropped off the grid," you explained, "in its place we have a large sum of spice to offer."

The pike leader laughed, "that information was worth plenty more than the meager amount of spice is in those crates," he replied, gesturing to the boxes in front of the others.

"The spice is a fair compensation for the information," you responded, "take it or leave it." You tried to command your voice and give off a level of confidence, but inside you were trembling.

The pikes could not tell you were fearful, because his voice now rose to be commanding as well. "We have told you what would settle your debt, and if you have not delivered, there will be a new price to pay," he hissed angrily.

You remained calm on the outside, "if it is a battle you want, a battle you will get."

The pike laughed again, "unfortunately it is not us you will have to fight." You looked at him in confusion, but he continued, "you see, we knew you would never give us the information, and we have a few friends of our own that were interested in your whereabouts."

As if a que, an imperial star destroyer dropped out of hyperspace and landing crafts immediately began to descend on the location. You looked at Hunter in a panic, but before you could react the pike laughed again, "you were foolish to think we pikes forget," he explained, "you see, we always knew who you were...Jedi." 

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