Chapter 8

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You took a moment to catch your breath only once the ship was out of range of Kamino and travelling at lightspeed.

"Thanks for the save," Hunter said, nodding his head to pull you aside. You followed him to the side of the room and spoke in hushed voices.

"I did not want to believe that it was Crosshair, but once I knew it was, I figured you would need a little help," you responded.

Hunter ran a hand through his hair, but was still processing that his brother had turned on them. You gave him a moment before speaking again. "Who's the girl?" you asked, gesturing to her playful joking with Wrecker and Echo.

Hunter sighed, "Her name is Omega, she is a defective clone too," he explained, "she warned us about Crosshair. She was in danger the moment she chose to help us, it was not safe for her there anymore."

You placed a hand on his shoulder and looked out at Omega and Wrecker happily laughing, "you made the right call, you probably saved her life," you assured him, "and look, she already fits right in."

Hunter smiled and called across the room, "Omega, come here please."

Omega smiled and bounded over to Hunter, blinking up at him. "Omega, this is Jedi General (Y/N), Master, this is Omega," he introduced.

"Nice to meet you, general, I have studied a lot of your mission briefs," she said, smiling up at you.

You knelt down so that you could speak on her level, "It's quite nice to meet you Omega, but please call me (Y/N)," you responded, returning her smile.

Out of nowhere Omega wrapped you in a hug, which you returned placing a hand on her head. "Thank you for saving me and my brothers," she whispered into your shoulder.

You patted her head gently, while looking up at Hunter and returning his amused smile. "Of course, Omega."

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