Chapter 31

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In seconds, the batch and yourself were bent in an attack position, you had quickly grabbed Omega and tucked her behind your leg. Hunter positioned himself slightly in front of you, protecting you and Omega from a long distance attack.

You took advantage of the silence and tried to make out who your assailants were. One appeared to be a woman, you did not recognize her, but her garb made it clear that she was a bounty hunter.

The other wore a large brimmed hat that covered most of his face. But the blue skin and garb gave his identity away. You knew this was the bounty hunter Cad Bane, you had fought him on many occasions during the Clone Wars. He was the rough cowboy type, but he had always had a soft spot for you.

You took a deep breath and gathered your strength, you guided Omega's shoulder so she was completely shielded by Hunter and Wrecker. You grabbed your lightsaber hilt and moved away from the others. Hunter looked at you desperately, but you only nodded to him and kept walking until you were a small distance closer to the bounty hunters.

"I am surprised to see you here of all people, Bane," you shouted to him from across the gap.

He nodded and tipped up his hat, "I was not sure you would have recognized me, little lady."

"I didn't expect you to be running with a partner, either," you noted, gesturing to the woman, "can't hunt on your own anymore?"

Bane chuckled, "by unhappy circumstances, I was not the only one hired for this particular mission, but we arrived here at the same time." Bane pointed to the woman, "allow me to introduce you to Fennec Shand, a newcomer to the bounty scene, but she is quite impressive."

You nodded, "a rare compliment from you, she must be impressive," you mused.

"I can assure you, I am," Shand replied, raising her gun.

You flicked your wrist and pulled out your saber, but did not ignite it yet. Bane chuckled and used his hand to lower Shand's gun, "now, now, let's not be hasty," he said, "this one is a friend of mine, we should negotiate first."

"You're friends with a jedi?" Shand asked, surprised.

"Bane and I have a unique friendship," you responded, "if you count chasing each other across the galaxy a friendship."

Shand shook her head, "you two can negotiate when I am done," she said raising her gun again, "I am only here for the girl."

"You have to go through me to get the girl," you said, meeting her tone.

"That can be arranged," she shouted, immediately firing bullets in your direction. You quickly ignited your saber and deflected everything that she fired at you, redirecting the energy back in her direction causing her jump behind a shipping crate.

You glanced at Bane and saw that he had sat back on a crate watching everything transpire. You turned your attention back to Shand, "give up yet?" you called.

She shouted in frustration and stood up from behind the crate, firing at you again but faster this time. You deflected everything again and waited for her next attack. After several more rounds of deflecting she had finally broken your defenses and a bullet grazed your arm.

You winced in pain, before redirecting a few more bullets. "(Y/N)!" Hunter shouted, taking a step in your direction.

You turned and held your hand up to stop him, making sure he knew he needed to protect Omega. Shand wasted no time firing more bullets, but you regathered your strength and blocked them all.

Suddenly, you heard a shout, and saw Omega's small figure running in between you and Shand. "Please stop!" she shouted.

"Omega, get back!" you called to her.

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