Chapter 30

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You all found a small area away from the noise of the factory and sat down, leaning on the railings.

"What's going on Rex?" Hunter asked.

"A lot of things," Rex responded, "after the fall of the republic, a lot of things changed. Me and a couple of friends removed our inhibitor chips and went to work for the forming rebellion."

"There has already been a rebellion?" you asked.

"There was a rebellion the second the empire formed," Rex explained, "it started on Onderon, led by Saw Gurrera, but the sentiment spread and now small factions are rising against the empire."

"Is there a unified front?" Tech chirped in.

"Not yet," Rex answered, "right now it is still small groups, but I doubt it will take everyone long to realize that if we are going to defeat the empire, we have to come together."

For the first time one of the girls chimed in, "that's why we need that droid, the information will help us against the empire, and we have no one else we can go to for help."

"But let me guess," the other girl added, "you need the droid more than we do, huh?"

Rex chuckled, "please forgive them, they are quite suspicious." He then gestured to the girls, "meet Rafa and Trace Martez, formerly of the Coruscant underground." He then turned to you, "Rafa, Trace, meet Clone Force 99 and their jedi general, (Y/N)," but he stopped short at Omega, "and I have not had the pleasure of meeting the little one."

You nodded for Omega to stand forward, "Rex, this is Omega, formerly of Kamino."

Omega piped up, "you're a generation one," she said excitedly.

Rex looked at you confused, then turned to Omega, "how do you know that?"

Omega blushed slightly, "your eyes give it away, generations two and on have more sunken eyes than generation one."

Seeing the confusion on Rex's face you jumped in, "Omega is a clone too, a pure genetic replication, she was raised as a medical assistant on Kamino."

Rex nodded in understanding, then held his hand out to Omega, "well it is nice to meet you, little sister."

"Not that this family reunion isn't touching," Rafa interrupted, "but we still have the matter of the tactical droid."

"What kind of information is on that droid?" Wrecker asked.

"You mean you want to steal it and you don't even know what you are stealing?" Trace shouted aggressively.

"Enough," Rex said, silencing the two girls, "the tactical droid has information about old separatist bases with food, medical supplies, old shipyards and supply runs."

"Information that we need to keep fighting the empire," Trace added defiantly.

"Why do you want it?" Rafa asked.

You looked at Hunter and he nodded, "the person we work for made a deal with the pikes for the data in that head," you explained, "if we go back empty handed, the pikes will come looking for us."

"You're working as mercenaries?" Rex asked, surprised.

"When we fled Kamino, we had nothing and no way of getting credits without the empire finding us," Hunter explained.

"We had no choice but to call in favors and try to find work where we could," Echo added.

Rex hung his head, "I am sorry, I was quick to judge, I know the empire has not made it easy on anyone."

"So what do we do?" Rafa asked shifting her weight slightly, she was holding tightly to a bag around her shoulder.

You smiled, "seeing as you beat us to the droid head, it would not be fair to take it from you."

She looked at you surprised, "how did you-"

"The minute you saw Rex sympathize with us, he clung to that bag a lot tighter," you said, "I guessed that you already had the head in your possession."

Trace chuckled, "I guess you really are a jedi."

"What about the pikes?" Hunter asked.

You took a deep breath, "we will have to figure something out."

Rex nodded in thanks, "where is your ship?"

"About a click to the east of the main entrance, we couldn't bring it in too close," Tech responded.

"Our ship is not far from there, we can leave together," Rex concluded.

"Tech mapped a way out that stays in the blind spots of the security droids," Echo explained.

Rex chuckled, "I missed running with you clones, always so prepared."

You all navigated through the factory with ease and made it to Rafa and Trace's ship without incident. "Good luck with the rebellion," you said to them as they loaded onto the ship.

"Good luck being a mercenary," Rafa shouted back with a wink, running to the cockpit to get the ship started.

"I hope to see you again, general," Rex said, placing a hand on your shoulder.

"We'll meet again, Rex," you reassured him, "I can feel it."

Rex shook hands with the others and boarded the ship. You watched it lift off the ground before leading the others to the place where your ship was waiting.

Before you turned the corner you could sense something was wrong, but there was not enough time to say anything before you were all in front of the ship. Only there were two bodies standing in between you and the door, guns at the ready. 

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