Chapter 20

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After about an hour of discussion, you had your plan for infiltrating the base camp of the Zygerians.

"Omega, Hera," you said into your wrist communicator, "come back to the ship please."

After a second, Omega's small voice spoke, "copy that."

A few minutes later the two children bounded onto the ship, giggling and carefree. "Have a seat, young ones," Hunter said gesturing to the couch near the hologram map, "we are ready to go through the plan."

They both nodded and sat down overlooking the map. "Alright, Tech," you said, "let's hear it."

Tech set down his datapad and entered the hologram of the map pointing out locations that Echo had marked earlier, "Hunter and (Y/N) will take the southern entrance while Wrecker, Echo and I take the eastern entrance," he continued, "we will move in at the same time and push directly into the circle where the captured are being kept. We will time it so all of the enslaved are in the volcano at once, the best time will be just after the commander has come to assess strength."

"What about us?" Hera interrupted.

Tech adjusted his goggles and looked at the girls, "Hera, you will lead Omega through your spy shaft and keep a look from above, calling out exits and stragglers as you see them."

They both nodded and smiled at each other excitedly while Tech continued, "Once we have pushed through the ranks, Wrecker will make a path for Echo to plug into the system and shut all of the mining doors, trapping all the Zygerians within the volcano. After we free the others, Echo will open one of the doors for us to escape through and rendezvous back at the ship."

"Won't the Zygerians fight back when we take their slaves?" Echo asked, crossing his arms.

Before Tech could answer, you interjected, "that is where I come in. I will remain in the volcano until everyone has left and will close the door, sealing the cavity."

Hunter looked at you a little shocked, this was part of the plan you did not share ahead of time, "but how will you get out?"

"I will use the rocky face to get up to the platform Omega and Hera will be at and crawl out with them," you explained.

Hunter looked at you a little worried, "not that I don't believe you can do that, but I would prefer one of us took that job, the Zygerians have connections with the guild, they will know what you are."

You placed a comforting hand on his arm, "I know that, but I am the only one of us that can fit through that small shaft, it has to be me."

Hunter's face fell but he nodded before turning his attention to the others, "alright, let's move out."


A short while later everyone was in position around the volcano, "Omega, Hera, move in," you whispered into your communicator so you would not be detected.

A few minutes later a small voice came over the communicator, "we are in position," Omega said, "the commander has just arrived for inspection."

You nodded to Hunter and began creeping into the side passages of the volcano, "move to the cavity entrance, wait for further instruction," you whispered to the others. You moved through the dark passages and soon came across the clearing inside the rocky mountain and looked out.

Your passages brought you just above the bottom of the volcano and gave you a good vantage point to the entire operation. There were dozens of enslaved Twi'leks gathered in the center of the cavity, all surrounded by twice as many Zygerians brandishing whips and shock poles. "There are more in here than expected," Tech's voice came quietly over the communicator.

"I thought Hera told us about all the slavers?" Wrecker asked, his voice quieter than normal.

"There has never been this many in here," Hera's voice came, "I am not sure why there are so many now."

"General, do we wait?" Echo asked.

You glanced at Hunter and she shook his head, "if we wait, there is more of a chance Hera's parents won't be around."

You nodded, "we can't wait," you said over the communicator, "we have to move in now, there may never be another opportunity like this."

"This is going to be dangerous," Hunter whispered.

You smiled at him, "I got your back."

"I know," he whispered back. He seemed to be fighting with his own mind for a moment before he closed the small distance between you, crushing his lips to yours.

For a moment you were surprised, but you quickly gave into the feeling you have denied yourself for so long and kissed him back. You pulled away all too soon and Hunter rested his forehead on yours, "in case we never have another opportunity like that."

You smiled, but your moment was interrupted by the sound of Tech's voice coming from the communicator, "awaiting orders, general."

You slowly pulled away from Hunter and pulled out your pistol resting you back against the wall of the passage, "move in." 

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