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She knew she was staring at the stranger but, she couldn't stop herself from staring

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She knew she was staring at the stranger but, she couldn't stop herself from staring. After all these centuries of not seeing this particular face, she just couldn't.

"Umm...Excuse me...you there?" The stranger broke her trance by waving her hand in front of her face.

"Ahh...Yes...I-just you are very pretty. Plus I am seeing you for the first time sooo..." She told the stranger in front of her with a light pink tint on her face. The stranger let out a small chuckle looking at the girl in front of her.

"Nam Ji-ah. PD of Search Of Urban Myths". The name switched a bulb up in her head. "You are the PD of that show? Wow, so to date I have never met the PD of the show I edit most of the time...Wahh".

"So you are Park Minji...Nice to meet you. Shall we or we will be late? Your family might be tensed?". The smile on her face left its position. Looking at this Nam Ji-ah got tensed looking at her face.

"Sorry...I didn't know-". "It's okay. It's been a while. I am over it." She brought the sweet smile back on her face.

"Someday when we both are free let's talk over Soju or Beer, how about that?" the senior asked the junior, who didn't waste a lot of time to accept her offer.

"Let's go". The duo left the entrance of the office and walked to her apartment building before Nam Ji-ah walked to her house.

Standing at her building gate the junior was waving her senior a safe walk home when a thought interrupted it. "Nam Ji-ah-ssi, if you don't mind...can we exchange numbers?"

The senior laughed at the girl's hesitation to ask for her number. Taking her phone from her bag she passed it over to her junior to put her number in Ji-ah's phone.

After the exchange of numbers and 'have a safe walk' the PD walked off in the distance. 

Watching her walk away from her she felt lonely again but she might be able to meet her tomorrow. Till then she had some important work.

Walking up to her apartment she kept her bag in its place end took her phone to call someone.

The phone ringed for about 30 secs before it was picked up but someone who sounded really angry, "HELLO! WHO IS THIS?!". "Halmon, It is me." She answered a bit timidly fearing she will be scolded.

"Ahhh, It's you. Don't come now. There is a stupid fox in the office now...Don't learn from him and come here after you are done with him, Okay?" Taulipa instructed her. A voice from the background saying 'I am not stupid you are old' interrupted her answer. "Okay, Halmon. Buh Bye." She cut the call with a 'Hmmm~'

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