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^^^Yeon's POV^^^

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^^^Yeon's POV^^^

'She is still not here...what is taking her so long?' Yeon thought as he impatiently tapped the wooden table with his fingers. He was pretty pissed at the half fox as she ignored his calls and messages. He decided to enquire around to check if she was with them. 

He decided he would call Jiah first. He quickly clicked on the said human's number and called her.


"Hey. Is Iseul there with you?"

"Nope, she just left to go home for some stuff...why you ask?"

"Nothing important...just...had to ask her something...yeah." he sturred as he came up with an excuse on the spot.

"Okay...what were you going to ask her?"

"It was...something...related...to her punishment...Yes! Punishment!" he exclaimed as he found the perfect excuse.

"Okay...anything else..."

"Nope! Bye!" he exclaimed as he quickly cut off the call. "She is a hard person to lie...Shit! Why am I sweating...?" he asked himself, warning himself to be careful while lying to Jiah...again.

Next, he decided that he would call Shinju. Iseul had been visiting him often to meet the pets, as she mentioned. He quickly clicked on the contact named 'Mom Shinju' and called the vet. The phone rang a few times. After about three rings, the call got picked up by the fox.

"Yes, Lee Yeon-nim? How can I help you now?"

"Is Iseul there with you?" Yeon asked the vet.

"No, She didn't visit yet...Why do you ask?"

"I had called her over to Snail's Bride to talk about my conversation with Halmoni and to warn her about the things waiting for us in the future with Jiah, but she is about half an hour late..." Yeon explained to Shinju.

"That's not something Iseul would do. It is kinda fishy..." 

"You are right...I will see. I may call you later for some help, okay? Be ready." He informed Shinju. He heard a little yes from the other side and cut off the call saying bye.

At last, he had decided to call Rang. Rang had been concerned about Iseul since she had turned into a human for two weeks. Yeon would find Rang staring at the half fox from a distance to confirm her safety himself. He tapped on the contact named Lee Rang and waited for his half-brother to pick up his call.

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