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Harry's POV:

Niall and I said goodbye to Liam, Phina and Aiden and now walk slowly back to my rover.

I inhale deeply and try to organize my thoughts once again as always when Phina's around.

We've been friends since freshmen year in high school and as much as I hate to admit it, I like her more than that. I love her.

I've developed feelings for the small, loud and flirtatious girl years ago. I kind of started liking her in sophomore year and completely fell in love one year later. But at the same time Seraphina met Aiden and they started dating at the end of junior year which honestly broke my heart even though she never was mine.

Now, two years later, the first year at college is almost over, I still love the girl even though I tried everything to stop it. I dated several girls that were kind of similar to Phina but it never was the same. I tried to distract and even distanced myself from her to get over it.
But nothing worked.

It's just twisted since I'm best friends with her brother and see Phina a lot when we're not at college.
Adding to that we're both studying the same thing, communication, which means we have the same classes too.
She's basically around me 24/7. Which I don't mind but...but it doesn't help me get over my feelings for her.

„Mate, is everything alright?" Niall suddenly asks and I shake my head very quick to get rid of my thoughts and climb into the car.
„Yes, of course. Why would you ask?"

„I don't know. You're just very quiet right now."
Niall shrugs and looks at me.
„Just tired, bro." I sigh and start the engine.

In the rear-view mirror I see Phina kiss Aiden before getting into his black car.
My stomach sinks and I pull off the parking lot.
She looked incredible tonight but I can't say it to her face. She always does but I love it when she's wearing dresses. They fit her perfectly.

I still remember the day when Phina came home to their parent's place and introduced us to her boyfriend. Liam disliked him from the first second on and I kind of dislike Aiden too. He's a nice guy and all but...but we dislike that man for different reasons. Liam was against the relationship because he doesn't want any man near his sister who could possibly hurt her. I on the other hand don't like the thought of them dating because she's the girl I'd rather be with.

I honestly hoped that their relationship wouldn't last that long because first it was a long distance one but they love each other so much that Phina even begged Liam and her parents to move to Boston for college.
After weeks they gave in and Liam asked us if Niall and I would move there too.
Niall has always planned on applying to that college in Boston so I just followed along hoping Phina and Aiden would break up at some point so I can make a move on her.
Pretty selfish, but I can't help it.

But for a fact I know that Liam would literally kick my ass if he ever found out that I liked his twin sister.
That's another issue I'm dealing with. If I ever admitted my feelings to Phina, I would risk losing our friendship and possibly even the friendship to Liam. And that's something I will never do. Never in a million years I would risk my friendship with Liam.

So I have to keep my feelings bottled up and try to pretend they aren't even there. Have done that for the past two years and will continue doing it for the next years.

Niall and I arrive at our apartment and he immediately unlocks the door and we walk inside.
Without any word we both go straight to our rooms and I close the door behind me.

I let out a breath that I didn't even know I was holding in and throw myself on my bed.
I stare up at the ceiling and my mind is a mess. I've been dealing with my feelings for a long time now and sometimes I feel like I can't handle it anymore. Sometimes I just want to go up to Phina and tell her straight away that I love her.

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