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Harry's POV:
After Phina stormed into her room and Niall followed her Liam and I got into a heated argument.

He wanted to know why his sister was crying and screaming but I didn't tell him the reason for it. He also asked why Phina and I barely spoke to each other in a week but I ignored his question. I'm sure he sensed something and will figure out soon what happened.

Right now I'm standing in my own kitchen, holding a glass of water and staring at the white wall.
This is so fucked up.
I didn't expect Phina to come around but wish Bailey just wasn't there.
Maybe this whole afternoon wouldn't have ended like this if Phina didn't walk in on me and Bailey.

I'm so angry at myself for letting it happen but I was drunk, hurt and needed someone to comfort me. And today she ringed my doorbell again and basically threw herself on me.
I don't even like Bailey...I only like Phina.

Suddenly someone knocks on the door and I snap out of my own thoughts and walk towards the front door.
I'm hoping it'd be Phina but it's Niall.

He doesn't say a word and pushes himself past me, walking into the living room.

"What the fuck did you do?" Niall turns on his heel and looks at me.
I have never seen him so angry.

I sigh and sit down on the sofa, putting my head in my hands.
"It was a mistake, Niall. The day Phina told me she needed space I went to the bar and had a couple drinks. Way too much but I needed it-" I breathe out and stare at the floor.
"On my way back home I bumped into Bailey and she brought me to my house. I don't remember how it happened but suddenly we both were in my bed and-"

"I don't need details." Niall huffs and sits down opposite me.

"Shut up." I growl and look at him.
"I have slept with her only once, I swear. And it wasn't even close to what I felt when I was with Phina. Bailey kept calling and texting me but I ignored her and today she showed up at my house and...Gemma even screamed at me because I'm fucking dumb. I wished I knew why we made out...it just happened and then Phina walked in. This is so twisted and...I miss her so much, Niall."

"I hate that you get drunk because of Phina. I know what happened after prom and now it happened again." He whispers through gritted teeth and looks at me.

"I'm so fucking done with this shit, Harry! I'm so fed up. You both like each other but both of you manage to keep hurting the other person and pushing them away. I'm sick of it." Niall shakes his head and looks up to the ceiling.
"If it's that hard I'd rather stay single."

"Shut your mouth." I throw a pillow at him but see the small grin on his face.

"What should I do now, Niall?" I look at my best friend and he raises an eyebrow.

"Talk to her, mate. You're both so fucking stubborn, it hurts. Bro, if it's already that hard for you to get together I don't even want to imagine how it's gonna be if you start arguing when you're in a relationship." He shakes his head and lets out a laugh.

„It's funny that both of you are studying communication and shit but you still don't know how to talk to each other properly."
Niall grins and leans back in his seat.

"What if she doesn't want to talk to me?" I whisper and he gets up from the sofa.

"Move your bum or you'll never find out, Styles."
He drags me out of the house and we walk towards the Payne's. Once again.

"I won't go inside. Liam's gonna rip my head off if I show up again and Phina's gonna throw a tantrum." I cross my arms over my chest as we stand in front of their house.

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