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Harry's POV:
Niall, Liam and I hear the door shut and immediately get up from sofa. Phina walks in and Niall's about to jump towards her but I quickly pull him back as I see her face.
Her mascara is smeared, her eyes red and puffy and tear stains are on her cheeks.

"Phi, what's wrong? What happened?" Liam asks softly and walks towards his sister but she ignores him and goes straight to her room.

Liam looks at Niall and I and we only shrug and follow him into her bedroom.

Phina's curled up on her bed and we hear sniffs and soft cries. Liam sits down on the edge of her bed and gently puts his hand on her arm.
She doesn't move away and Liam scoots closer and reaches out and pulls her to him.
"Hey Phina...why are you crying, love?" He asks and looks down at her.

Seraphina shakes her head and wipes over her eyes.
Niall and I are still standing in the doorframe and I put my hand on Niall's shoulder mentioning to leave them alone.

"No, you two can stay." Phina looks up to us and a small smile forms on her face.

"Tell me...what happened. I hate seeing you cry...especially on your birthday." Liam rubs over her back and her eyes well up again.

"I- I was...on my way to Aiden's flat and..." She starts and her voice is barely above a whisper.
"You were on your way to Aiden's flat and then?" Liam repeats her words and we wait for her to continue speaking.

"I met Jack...Aiden's friend and he said he was on his way to me...he showed me a picture on his phone of-" She sniffs and takes a deep breath.
"He showed me a picture of...of Aiden...he was kissing a-" She starts crying again and her whole body's shaking. She grabs Liam's arm and looks down.
"Aiden was kissing another woman...his hand was between her legs too." Phina cries out and the tears are streaming down her face.
"HE'S CHEATING ON ME!" She presses her face to Liam's chest and her hands are shaking like crazy.

Nobody says a word, everyone's just trying to process what we just heard.
I feel the anger in my body and by looking at Liam's face I know he's feeling the same.

"Is it my fault? Is it my fault he's fucking another woman?" She cries and tucks on Liam's shirt.

"No! It's not your fault, Phi. It's not your fault. It's his fault, only his fault. Don't blame yourself for something he did. Something so dumb and...and...I don't even have words for that. I'm about to kill him right now, shove my fist so far up his ass it comes out of his mouth again, I'm gonna rip his head off and-"
Liam inhales deeply and I see that he really has to contain himself to not jump up and drive to Aiden to carry out his threat.

Phina's still crying and her small body is shaking and it just breaks my heart. Seeing her cry, being down and upset makes me want to rip that person's head off who caused that.
I'm so angry at Aiden. How does he dare cheat on someone so pure and special as Phina? She's literally the purest, kindest, funniest and warmest soul out there, an angel and I hate everyone who hurts her and makes her cry.
Aiden never deserved Phina in the first place, she's way too good for him.
I do not only hate him for cheating on her but also for ruining her birthday. Phina was so excited about everything and couldn't wait to get home to celebrate and now she's crying. She's crying because of Aiden who's just a pussy. He's not a man...he's just a prick.

After ten minutes Phina has calmed down a bit and Liam lets go of her. "Take care of her...I'll be back in half an hour." He says to Niall and me and storms off.

I slowly walk to Phina, sit down next to her and wrap my arms around her small body.
She leans her head against my chest and Niall walks out of the bedroom saying he's gonna make her a cup of tea.

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