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Harry's POV:
The rest of the weekend passed by and on Monday morning I find myself walking down the hallway towards my class.

When I walk in, I immediately spot Phina sitting next to a black haired girl, her friend Abigail. The girls are chatting and I move past them and sit down on the chair next to Phina. We literally always sit next to each other.

"Hey Haz." Phina smiles sweetly and latches her arms around me.
I return her hug and greet Abigail as well.
"Abby, I'm telling you...Harry's essay is incredible! I'm sure Mr Brown is gonna make you read it out loud." Phina looks from Abigail to me and grins.

"Oh hell no." I mumble with a small smile on my lips and pull out my laptop, a few sheets of paper and my pencil case.

"Oh hell yeah!" Phina claps her hands together and turns to chat with Abby again. I eye the small girl up and down. Her wavy hair is braided and she's wearing a white skater skirt with a blue shirt tucked in tight.

"Good morning everyone!" Professor Brown walks in and the students immediately stop talking and face the front.

After our classes Phina and I walk to the subway station and wait for train. We rarely drive to college but take the subway instead.
"Looking forward to Friday?" I ask Phina and look down at her.
"Definitely! It's gonna be amazing!" She grins happily and then pokes my chest. "Do you have a present?" She smiles innocently which makes me laugh.
"Not yet but I'm thinking of something already."
"Haz-" She starts and I face her again.
"I don't need a present, I just want you to be there. I want all my best friends to be there with me." She says and hugs me tightly. A warm feeling fills my body and I rest my chin up on her head.

I hate being called her best friend because I want to be more than that but can't change it but besides that I'm just incredibly grateful to have this girl in my life. She might not realize it but she makes everything better by just being there.

"Of course I'll be there celebrating you. You only turn twenty once in your life!" I smile and look her in the eyes.
"Thank you for being my best friend. I love you." She whispers and takes my hand.
"I love you too, Phi."

We get on the train and ride in silence. I honestly still have no idea what to get her for her birthday. Niall and I will buy Liam a new game for his gaming console, a tool case which he wanted to buy for so long and a new set of headphones since he broke his ones and keeps stealing mine.

Minutes later Phina and I walk to my and Niall's apartment. Liam still has classes but will come over once he's done with everything.
I unlock the door and we walk in.
"Nigel? Where are ya? Double P is back in the hood!" Phina calls out and I just laugh and throw my keys on the counter.
"Coming!" Niall shouts from his room and Phina sits down on one of the chairs by the table.

"Can I get you anything? Water? Tea? Coffee?" I turn over my shoulder and look at the blonde haired girl.
"Water's fine, Haz. Thanks." She smiles and within seconds Niall slides into the kitchen and hugs Phina.

"The big girl who turns twenty in four days! How are you?" Niall laughs and sits down next to her.
I hand Phina a glass of water and lean against the counter watching both of them.
She kicks her legs up on the chair next to her and her skirt slides up a bit, exposing more of her upper thigh.
Her small fingers are wrapped around the glass I gave her and she gestures a lot with her hands when she's talking. Not to be creepy but I just love watching her no matter what she's doing...reading, writing, thinking about anything, singing, dancing around, gaming or just talking.
She makes everything seem so easy and carefree. She gives me the energy when I don't seem to find it, Phina's the one I can talk to about literally anything and I also listen whenever she needs someone or just a shoulder to cry on.

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