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With a loud sigh, Lisa slowly sat up and carefully swung her legs to the floor, having most of the blanket crumpled on her lap. She stared at it, the gray fabric swallowing her up as her mind whirled around; Nicole was the only thing she could think about in that moment. Her eyes closed in an attempt to calm her pounding head, to sort out her thoughts and find a place where she could start.

Already, even though she just agreed to tell Jennie about Nicole a mere minute ago, Lisa regretted ever doing so. She couldn't even think of what to tell her, but Jennie probably didn't care as long as she told her at least something.

"She almost burnt down the kitchen once," Lisa started softly after she opened her eyes and looked up. She released a quiet chuckle, twining her hands together. When a corner of Jennie's mouth lifted to smile at her, Lisa continued.

"I don't really know how she did it. She insisted on cooking and didn't want me to help her and sent me to the bedroom but somehow... all of a sudden a small flame must have flared up in the pan." Lisa shook her head, a heavy spark of sadness in her eyes but her mouth pulled up in a smile. "I was in the bedroom and didn't see it but it kinda got bigger and Niki panicked, jumping to the sink but then... the edge of a kitchen towel caught on fire and well..."

Jennie's mouth fell open, her eyes wide. "Oh my God. What happened then?"

"Well, you know... the cloth was burning and Niki yelled for me and when I came into the room the counter there –" She pointed over to the kitchen area "–was like, lit. I mean, it wasn't really threatening, it was still a relatively small flame but... sure a sight to behold. We managed to extinguish it pretty quickly though. We ordered pizza that night, just to be sure."

A laugh bubbled out of Jennie and Lisa smiled slightly as she watched the latter. "Wow. She didn't try cooking after that again, did she?"

Lisa scoffed. "Oh, yeah she did. And again, there was... more fire than there should be when you're cooking something." Lisa frowned and shook her head. "I didn't let her cook after that anymore. She was a little firebug, though totally unintentional."

The memories rested heavy on her heart but in a way, it felt good to talk about her. It felt good to remember her today like that, when she was still alive and healthy, not lying in a hospital bed, slipping away. "But... she was a great baker."




If there was one thing Lisa loved to do, more so than making music, it was watching Nicole. She didn't quite know why she did it so often, she couldn't pin down what exactly captivated her so much about her girlfriend, but one thing was for sure; it was one of her favorite things to do.

Her lips curled into a faint smile as she rested her chin on her arm perched on the backrest of the sofa, her eyes not straying away from the sight in front of her, which was absolutely lovely.

The brunette shuffling around the kitchen was completely oblivious to those green eyes that watched her, her own hazel ones steadily cast downward to watch her hands prepare the cookie dough.

Not much time went by until Nicole was satisfied and round chunks of the dough were neatly placed on a cookie sheet. Lisa smirked at the satisfied sigh that left her lips as she put the cookies into the heated oven. It was then when their eyes met.

"You are staring again," she commented and held Lisa's gaze, a hint of a smile appearing on her lips.

"I'm not staring."

Find a Light (JenLisa Adaptation)Where stories live. Discover now