Chapter 10

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Two weeks Later.....

"Juliet..... get up." I swat away the hand that threatens to wake me up this early. "Juliet, I'm not joking."

"Go awaaayyyy" I whine as I bury my face deep into my pillow. You see, the boys decided to let me bunk at their place, well Liam and Niall's place. Me and Harry are basically the same as the letters, only alot more attached. You touch me, he beats you to death. You touch him, I laugh then realize that I should probably do something. So its mutual I would say.

"If you don't get up now your going to miss Haunted House....." That was enough to make me shoot up, shove Liam out the door, and throw on my clothes faster then you could say Nutella Taco's....don't ask.

I hop down the stairs in a rather quick speed and race into the kitchen where Niall was eyeing his plate of bacon as Liam was putting away the dishes.  "Morning boys." I say cheerfully as I take a piece of bacon off of Niall's plate.

"Hey!" He complains as I crunch into it. I smile proudly and take a seat at the bar as Niall sticks his tongue out at me. Liam finished the dishes and dried his hands on the dish towel as he takes away the empty plate of food in front of Niall. Once I stole one piece, I guess he thought that he better eat it all before I take it all.

"So LiBear, what are we doing today besides the movie?" I ask as I hop up from my seat.

He shrugs. "Beats me, why don't you and Harry go do something." I smile and nod quickly. "But please don't do anything reckless, with you two put together, who knows what could happen." Niall snickers beside me and I slap him upside the head.

"He don't mean it that way you pervert!" I stop and turn to Liam. "You didn't, right?" I ask, getting a bit worried that Daddy Directioner was getting a little naughty...

"No I didn't, now go, shoo young one." I give both of them a huge hug and skip out the door with my phone already having Harry on speed dial.

 About a minute later he answered his call. "Hello?" He asked in a low husky voice. Probably still asleep like I was supposed to be.

"Hey Haz its Juliet." I pulled my jacket closer to me and walked to the sidewalk.

"Hey Jules." I could hear him yawn through the phone.

"Wanna hang out? I just ate some bacon and this energy isnt gonna run down by itself..."

"Don't you think its a tad bit early?" He asked with a hint of amusement.

"Nope!" I said, popping the 'P'. I heard a long sigh at the other end.

"Fine, I'll meet you at the playground in 5." I fist pumped the air and smiled.

"Otay! Love you Haz, byeee!" I practically yelled into the phone.

"Mhm, Love you too." The line went dead and I shoved my phone into my pocket.

I skipped the whole way to the playground, weird? Yup. But who cares...YOLO. Oh my god did I just really say YOLO? I deserve to die now....

I finally arrived with my hands stuffed in my pockets. I looked around to the slides but didn't see Harry. I looked over by the tree we would sometimes sit in, nope. Monkey bars? Nada. I finally see that familiar curly hair over by the swings. I was about to shout out his name but stop dead in my tracks. There he was, with her on our swings.....kissing. I loved Taylor Swift's music and all....but I don't know why I felt so protective of Harry when it comes to her. I decided not to mess with them and I turned on my heel and walked away.

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