Chapter 20

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I shut the door behind me as I step inside the house. I set my key down on the kitchen counter, rather loudly I would say, and obviously Liam heard me. He runs in, a look of terror on his face.

"J-Juliet!" I give a look of worry as I lay my hand on his arm. 

"Liam? What's going on?" He starts shaking his head, his eyes closed tightly. I have to shake him lightly to get him to speak.

"M-Me and Niall were j-just joking around t-talking and debating about w-wh-" I put my hand over his mouth, slight amusement playing at my lips.

"Breath, Liam. Breath." He takes a deep breath and nods.

"Sorry, anyways. Me and Niall were debating whether its better to be a girl or a guy. My explanation was that it's way better to be a guy, no offence,"

I roll my eyes but let him continue. "But he kept denying it because apparently being a girl would be awesome. But he took it way to far and he decided to prove it by becoming o-"

"Oh Li Li!!!!" A very high pitched screech comes from the next room. Liam practically jumps into my arms, squeezing me tightly.

"Its scary, man! I..I..." He looks me dead in the eye. "I see it every time I close my eyes." He says in a dead serious tone, just as Niall walks in the door.



His hair is pushed up as normal, but he's still not anywhere near normal. I can easily tell he went through my closet, because he's wearing one of my shirts that says 'Bitch #1'. My friend Gabby has the other one, even though I havn't seen her lately.

He was wearing a pair of my gray sweats and some fuzzy pink socks. Plus, he had on my make-up. "Oh hey, Julie!"  He walks over to the other side of the kitchen, revealing the word 'Princess' written on his butt in sparkles.

" there something you wanna tell me?" He tilts his head in confusion and bats his eyelashes at me. "You make a lovely girl and all....but it's just not you.." Suddenly his face falls and he fake cries.



Suddenly Niall falls to the ground, out cold. My eyes go wide as I look over at Liam who has a frying pan in his hands. "Liam!!!" I yell at him as I glance down at the little diva lying on our floor. He just shrugs.

"We had to put him down. I put him out of his misery." I roll my eyes and prop Niall up a bit. "And besides, pink isn't his color." I drag Niall into the living room and lay him on the couch, Liam in tail with the frying pan dangling to his side in his hand. 

"Dang he's heavy, we really need to stop feeding him." Suddenly Niall bolts upward, glaring at me.

"Gurl," he starts in the girlie voice. "Don't you dare. Imma hurt you, baby cakes. Imma h-" 


"Liam!" I scold him and he just laughs cheekily before stalking away to his room and I call after him,  "I'm not cleaning up the mess when he wakes up! I have a date!" I don't think he heard the last part so I kiss Niall's cheek and I run up to my room. "What to wear..." I think as I look through my closet. 

"It feels like a perfect night..." I start singing then my eyes widen in realization before I start cracking up laughing. "To dress up like hipsters!"

I pick out a simple cute outfit, it's a small dress, a strapless one.I slip on a pair of my Van like shoes with a brown leather jacket. I just run a brush through my hair, leaving it smooth, then I work on my eyes. I put on a layer of eye liner then some mascara and lip gloss.

After I finish I pick up my phone and text Harry.

To: Romeo

I ish ready now c:

In just a few short minutes he responds.

To: Juliet

I'll be there in five, babe xx

I turn off my phone and stick it in my jacket pocket as I walk downstairs, quietly passing Niall as he snores on the couch.

I stand by the front door, the sun getting lower in the sky at every passing moment.

Dang, i'm deep.

A car horn snaps me out of my day dreaming and I walk outside, shutting the door behind me. I walk down to the path way and hop into the passenger side of the black Range Rover that I know so well.

"Ready?" He asks as he smiles over at me.

I nod back happily. "Ready." He then pulls out and to the un-known destination that he has planned for me.

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