Chapter 30

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Hey guys! So sorry I havn't been updating except for like once every now and then. I've come to a realization that procrastination is key and that my writing sucks beyond levels so I'm editing this story a major bit but I'm still gonna try and finish it. I'm getting closer to the end so just hang in there for me.

Harry's POV

"C'mon and get your lazy ass out, I think this is the place." I pay the cab driver quickly as Zayn trudges out of the cab ever so slowly. He looks like a complete mess, his eyes have bags under their bags, his hair looks like a tragic accident, and his complexion is pale over all. "What's got you so stressed anyways?" I toss him his bag but it only lands at his feet.

"I'm just tired, all right?" I scoff and walks farther up the yard to the door of what I believe is Juliet's home.

"Tired my arse, now hurry up." I don't get a reply before I'm already knocking at the door. Juliet answers with a smiles on her face. "Hello ma'am, do you have a moment to talk about our Lord and savior, Jesus Christ?" She just shakes her head and motions for me and Zayn to walk in. I step into her small house and set the bags down by the wall.

Zayn follow after me but just brushes by and goes straight into what I presume is the living room. "What's up with him?" Juliet asks as she shut and locks the door.

"I don't know, he's been like that the entire trip." I help her with the bags and she leads me to the back rooms. "Claims he's just tired, which we all know is complete rubbish."

"Speaking of which, how was the trip?"

To be entirely true, it wasn't like the trips that I took with the other lads when we would go from one destination to the next. It was long, boring, and just plain slow. It seemed so dull and it couldn't have been over sooner. "Fine." I tell her, though it's not like she heard me. Her mind is obviously somewhere else as she looks down at my bicep. "New tattoo?"

I follow her gaze and my eyes land on the complex design of a human heart on my left arm. "Yeah, got it in Los Angeles." I trace my thumb over the detailing on it and glance back at her curious eyes. "Though it was pretty interesting you know?"

"How so?" She puts a new pillow on the bed and tilts her head slightly, causing her long brown hair to fall over her shoulder.

I sit on the bed and stretch out my legs. "Most people get the usual cartoon heart, I just thought maybe I should take the road less traveled and get the real deal." She moves to stand in front of me and places her hand in my hair.

"You could also use a hair cut." I laugh at that and take the same hand in mine. "You look like you're from California and usually I wouldn't be bothered about that but you're supposed to be a pale British guy."

"And you're still the same sassy American hm? I guess I've been around you for too long." It's her turn to laugh as she wraps her arms around my neck loosely.

"Around me? We havn't actually been around eachother in like a month and before that we never really hung out much anyways." I frown slightly and kiss her cheek.

"You're right, much of a couple huh?" A knock at the door causes Juliet to step away and we both turn our attention to Zayn. "Uhm, hey."

"Yeah, hi." He rolls his eyes and leans against the doorway. "Ed just called your phone, you left it in my bag. He's gonna be in town in about thirty minutes and he wants to meet up." I nod and stand up.

Ed and I used to be a lot closer when the band was still fresh and big. Now that our fame has died down a bit we havn't really talked like we used to. "Sounds good, Juliet, you coming?' I'd honestly like to introduce her to one of my bestfriends. It's not like we're serious or anything, but it'd be nice to have her more fitted in with my group.

She hesitates a moment and I can see the look of slight worry in her eyes. "Ed?" I scratch the back of my neck and glance over at Zayn. I should've known that Juliet wouldn't be the type of girl to listen to Ed Sheeren, or One Direction for that matter. To be honest, I've never known what her favorite band was.

Zayn shifts uncomfortably and I know that he'd much rather be somewhere else. "I'll meet you at the door, yeah?" He only mumbles something under his breath and exits without another word. I turn my attention back to Juliet. "Ed is a friend of my from back home, he's a cool lad. You would probably like him quite a bit."

She only smiles slightly and shrugs before walking to the door. "Sure, why not. You better hurry," She looks down the hall to where Zayn had went. "Zayn looks pretty annoyed."

I furrow my eyebrows and push my hair back out of my face. "Yeah, he's been like that. So has Louis most of all, he won't tell us why." He had seemed so out of it the last time I spoke to him over the phone, maybe whatever Zayn has is contagious.

"I havn't heard anything from Eleanor, or any of the girls for that matter." This brought up something else that I had been meaning to talk to her about. When she was in England with me, she didnt really know anyone else. Does she have friends that I never knew about here? What was she doing while I was gone? I decide that I'll just talk to her about it later.

"Don't worry about it, I'm sure everything's just fine."

After we all got ready and left -Ed came and picked us up- we all ended up at a small grill just down the road. "So hows your mom?" Ed spoke with his usual British drawl. I lightly push against his arm and slide into the booth, making room so Juliet could sit next to me. Another man had shown up, his name being Jaxon, and sat quietly by Ed and Zayn. I couln't tell if Zayn knew him or what but I didn't feel like asking.

"Oh hush up, why are you here anyways?" I lean back and check my phone mindlessly and I can see a hint of a smile on Juliet's face when she looks down to see that my screen is a picture of her, Niall, and Liam all messing around.

"Just wanted to travel to a few more places I guess, my last tour was two years ago after all. I wanted to see more sites." Jaxon nods but keeps his head down.

I start wondering about what will happen of me, of Zayn, of the rest of the boys. Will we end up going our separate ways? I know we promised that we would always be there for each other, always being as close, but things changed. We stopped talking as much, and after each concert, would go our separate ways without another word. It's tragic, honestly. And I can't help but feel a little sad as well about it all.

For some odd reason, it causes me to feel nauseous. Well, anything could be causing it. I kindly excuse myself to the bathroom and soon enough I'm staring at myself in the mirror.

Time has really passed, and looking at Ed, then at myself, I was nonetheless shaken up. I rest my hands on the sink in front of me to keep myself upright. Everything seems to be crowding me and my breath comes out in short gasps. Suddenly, I'm overwhelmed with black as I hit the floor.

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