Chapter 16

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I pull up to Liam, Mine, and Niall's place. I get out, shut the door behind me, and walk up the pavement walkway. The sound of my shoes sounding off as I walk even closer.

I walk in, straight to the living room to find Liam chilling on the couch. "Hey Li."

He looks up from the TV with a smile on his face, showing his faint dimples, nothing compared to Harry's. "Hey Jules."

I sit next to him and stare at him deeply as he stares at the tv. 

But he continues to ignore me. 

So I poke his cheek. 

He turns is face to look at me, one eye brow raised and a half smile. "Can I help you?"


"Mind telling me for what?"

"Not sure yet."

He sighs and pats the seat next to him. "Come young one,, tell me about all you're girl issues and what not."

I take a seat next to him, crossing my legs, and I make a face. "Okay A: Not THAT kind of girl issues...and B: Did you just say 'What not?'" He nods cheekily.

"Yes I did, and thank god! I don't think I could handle that!" I laugh with him just as Niall walks in the room looking all innocent.

"Handle what, Liam?" He asks as he takes a seat in the chair across from us, his hair messy and bags under his eyes.

"Tired much? And nothing..." Liam responds and he looks at me with the weirdest facial expression I have ever seen.

"What the actual heck Liam." I state as I squint my eyes at him.

"What?! I'm just trying to be serious." I can hear Niall give out a small laugh from across the room and I mentally face palm.

"That is not being serious, Hun. You look like you're mentally undressing me."

His face goes extremely red. And when I say red. I mean red like a firetruck. Red like a tomato. Red like my ex's face when I slapped him. Red like Louis' hair for Red Nose Day. Red like Louis' old pants. Red like blood of you're victims..... What? Red like the wicked Bitch's album.

"I-I...B-But.." He cant even get a sentence out and just stares at me while Niall is having a mini seizure in his seat. I poke his nose and smile.

"Don't worry Liam, you can save that for Danielle any time." His face gets even redder and by this time Niall is on the floor.

I stand up and pop my knuckles. "Thank you, thank you very much. If you need me, don't need me." I leave to go to my room, leaving Niall on the floor and Liam looking as if I just took his innocence. 

I walk into my room, shut the door, and plop down on the bed. I still cant stop thinking about Harry. 

Maybe he's just drunk. I silently think to myself.


Oh god. What. Just. Happened.

"Hey Babe." Taylor's voice sounds distant in my ears as Juliet speeds off in her car down the road. I snap out of it and smile at her, trying to make it as believable as possible.

She kisses me on the cheek and walks into my flat, I follow in tail, shutting the door behind me.

"Hey." I say as I follow her into the living room. "Not to be rude, but why are you here?" I stand, leaning against the wall, and scratch the back of my neck.

She sits on the couch and looks at me innocently. "Well, I'm here to talk about us."



God, help me at this moment.

I nod, for her to go on. "Well you see, there are several new people moving into my building... and they need more space....and well....."

"You want to move in with me." I finish for her. I already saw where this was going.

She bites her lip and looks at me. "Y-Yeah, sorta. I mean its okay if I cant, I have others I can stay with!" I shake my head and walk over and sit next to her.

"I don't know Taylor, but I mean, Tour and all, and you would be alone...." She goes wide eyed quickly.

"I'm perfectly fine by myself!" I look at her, eyebrows furrowed. "I mean, if it's okay...but I'm not like gonna burn down the house or anything."

I sigh and look down. "Fine, you can move in." She throws her arms around my neck and hugs me tightly. 

I do what any warm blooded man would do, and I hug her back. She comes out of my grip and stands up and her smile fades. "Okay, now back to business."

"What are you talking about?" I ask slowly.

She stands there, looking normal, but a bit on edge. Like Juliet when she left. She crosses her arms and looks down at me. "Its about Juliet."

I suddenly get a shock of protection over Jules. I quickly shake the feelings and turn my attention back to Taylor.

"I don't like her." I roll my eyes.

"I know." I state blandly.

"And I need you to tell me something. Be truthful, Harry."

I nod, motioning for her to continue. "What yah need?"

"Do you....have any feelings for her?"

I'm taken aback by this comment. The fact that my girlfriend  is saying this doesn't help at all. I don't say anything for the longest of time. Listen, I like Taylor and all, I mean I'm dating her. But she CAN get pretty annoying. And Juliet. Can I possibly like her? Well I did kiss her. Which may or may not have been a mistake. I may have ruined our friendship...but what if I do like her? 

"Harry!" She shouts at me, getting my attention.


"Do you like Juliet?!" She looks impatient, But not as worse as she can get. She can be so freaking bitchy that I just get so tempted to poor acid in my eyes and drink bleach.

"I don't know."

"How can you not know!" I stand up and look at her, a bit pissed off now. 

"I just don't." 

"Tell me the truth NOW, Harold." Harold? Who does she think she is? My Mum? 

She wants the truth?

She's gonna get it.

"Okay, Taylor. Wanna know the truth?!" I half shout at her, causing her to back up. "Maybe I do! So what!"

"So what?! I'm am your girlfriend!"

"Yeah, you are."

"Does that not matter?"

"i GUESS NOT, TAYLOR!" I really do shout that at her. I know I can be pretty harsh when I'm mad...but I cant help it. 

"You know what? I cant believe you're doing this to me. What have I ever done to you!"

"What have you done? It's what you haven't done, Yet! You're gonna make a big deal out of this shitty relationship, pretend it's different this time, I'm gonna believe you! I'm gonna constantly get hate from this! Do you know how much it hurts loosing fans because of this!" I motion in between us. "Then you're gonna get bored. I wont realize it! You will leave me, for new writing material. You will just leave it at that. Leave me with the hate. Leave me with the guilt. The sadness. The nothing! Like every relationship I have ever had!" I hadn't even realized that I was crying. 

I quickly whipe my eyes. "And THAT Taylor, is why it doesn't matter." She stares at me in shock, and suddenly looks red in the face. She slaps me.


"We are-" I don't let her finish.

"No Taylor, this time it will be me who finishes it. It's over." She scoffs and runs out of the house, slamming the door behind her.

So..........this chapter.......yeah. Vote/Comment/Fan!!!

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