Chapter 4

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I rub my eyes as I sit up from my very uncomfortable spot on the sofa. I stretched out my arms and made a sound that sounded like a baby whale. Huh. I take in my surroundings and see the opened box, letter, and plane ticket dumped out on the coffee table. I sit all the way up and run a tired hand through my messy hair. So it wasn't just a dream... I thought as I look over at the wall clock. 10:42. "What wasn't a dream, Hun?" My dad questioned as he walked in with two cups of tea in his hands. Did I say that aloud? I gladly except a cup and he takes a seat next to me.

"Nothing..........actually, Dad?" He looked at me and tipped his head side ways just a bit. "Yes Sweetie?" He said all innocently. Ugh, why does he do this. Every time I want to ask him something he goes all 'sweet dad' on me so it makes it 10 times as harder. I groan as I fling myself back into the couch. "Staaaahhhpppp iiittttt" I whine as I bury my face in the pillows. I can hear him chuckle and set his tea down. He grabbed me by my shoulders and pulled me up to look into his eyes. "Okay, now tell me." He said sternly and all serious this time. I look everywhere but him, trying to avoid looking into his eyes.

I bit my lip and stared at the TV that was turned off so the screen was all black. "IwasmaybewonderingifIcouldflytoEngland." I blurted out all in one breath. He lifted a single eyebrow and looked at me fiercely.

"A bit slower, Hun" I nodded and tapped my fingers against my thigh. "I was maybe wondering if I could fly to England............" I said much slower this this time. I wait for him to burst out on me about how I was being crazy and 'What Not' but I didn't hear any yelling...but laughing? "Dad?" I say, confused at this moment. Why was he laughing? Its not a laughing matter! Does he seriously think I'm joking?!

"You've gotta be joking." Well that answers it. I shake my head and glare at him. "What makes you think I would joke about this?" I question as I stand up quickly. He looks up in shock. "You weren't kidding?" I shake my head No once more and he sighs.

"Juliet what were you thinking? Why would you want to fly to England?" I stare at my now very interesting shoes. I play with my fingers and bite my lip again. "No reason........" I trail off quietly but just enough so he could hear. "Is it because of that boy you have been writing to?" I bite my lip so hard that I swear blood could be coming out at any moment. "It is!" He shouts as he stands up quickly. I look up in shock as he glares at me. "If that is the case then the answer is No, No. No!" He blurted out. I stand up straighter in defence at his remark.

"Dad! There is nothing wrong with this!" I shout back at him in his own face. He looks taken aback at what I yelled, good. He deserved it. "There is absolutely EVERYTHING wrong with this!" He fights back. I roll my eyes and look around. "You don't know anything dad..." I whisper, but of course my wonderful dad happened to hear. "I don't know anything? Is that so?" I look up with an apology written all over my face, but it is soon replaced when I see him smirking at me."How do I happen to know that you have been sneaking out of the house every Saturday, huh? How do you expect I know that?" He questions with an evil smile on his face. I look at him with complete horror and I take a step backwards. "How do I know that you hang out with that group of smokers, now tell me that one Dear." I back against the wall.

"Dad...please just stop..." I say as I fight to hold back any tears that threaten to fall down my now very red face. He shakes his head and laughs at me again. "Its sad you turned out." I looked up at him with sadness. "W-What do you m-mean?" I stutter as I quickly wipe my eyes.

"I Mean!" He starts yelling now and I stare into his eyes. "How, well, how you could have been more like your mother!" He says.

I could swear that my eyes are red right now. I use all my force and shout at him. "How I could have been more like her?! You mean like a drug addict? I really hope you don't think that's what I want to be!"

"Don't raise your voice with me Juliet. I'm only saying how you could have been so calm and understanding." I raise an eyebrow.

"Understanding? Since when was she ever understanding and calm?" He glances at the floor.

"Before you were born." He snaps in a judging way while looking at me. I widen my eyes as he does to, taking realization of what he just said. "Jules.." He tries to come towards me but I just shake my head, refusing to cry, and I run upstairs.

I curse under my breath and slam the door  behind me as I run into my room. He's never blown up on me like that I really don't want him to do that again. I have a plane to catch.

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