Chapter 23

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 Juliet, and EllyBelly have been hanging out a lot. Danielle and Perrie are away with work/Little Mix. There yah go! xx

*********************THREE MONTHS LATER*************************

"I'm radioactive! I'm radioactive!" I yell as I jump on my couch like a little kid. Eleanor shakes her head and me and laughs. "Oh come on you know it's sexy." I wink at her and jump off the couch and onto the pile of pillows below.

"You're such a kid. How does Harry keep up with you?" I shrug and make a pillow angel. Or at least an attempt to. "So what do you wanna do?" I groan and sit up.

"I have to go visit Anne." She looks at me and laughs. "It's not funny! I promised Harry that I would meet her and since he had to leave I'm doing it today." She plops down on the couch with a bowl of popcorn in her lap.

"She just got married, isn't she going to be with her new husband? Why would she plan it now?" I pulls myself up and straighten out my shirt.

"Yeah, but she says that now would be a good time because any other time would mainly be filled. She seems like a nice lady, I hope." She raises an eyebrow at me. "I mean, what if she's like a sociopath that wants to kill me in my sleep then dump my body in the woods!" I turn and shove my face in the pillow next to me. I feel her rubbing circles on my back.

"I'm sure that's just the nervousness talking. How about after your meeting with his mom, you, me, and Dani all go grab a bite to eat?" I shift so I'm laying on my back and I look up at her.

"Why is she back so soon?" I know that Perrie is on tour, but I thought Danielle was busy dancing for Jessy-J somewhere in Cali.

"She said that she was let on a break for something. I Have no idea. She'll have a lot of explaining to do over lunch." I smile then look at the clock on the wall.

"Shit! I have to go!" I jump up and kiss her cheek before running to the door.

"Bye JellyBear!"

"Bye EllyBelly!"


I knock on the door, nerves running through me. A kind looking woman with brown shoulder length hair answers it. "You must be Juliet! Call me Anne." I smile and offer a hand but she pulls me into a bear hug. I giggle and follow her into her home.

"I love your home." I try to start a conversation. "Harry used to live here?" She takes a seat on the couch and I sit neatly in the love seat across from her.

"Yeah." She clears her throat. "He used to stand on this couch and jump off with his action man in his hand, yelling action phrases." I try to stifle a laugh and I just smile.

'Sounds nothing like the Harry I know." She looks down, sadness taking over her features.

"Unfortunately that is true. I just want my baby boy back." I give her a sad look and nod.

"Listen Anne, no matter what he does or where he goes, he will always be your little boy. My dad told me the same thing before I left." Her face softens at the mentioning of my father.

"Ah your father, yes. Harold told me about how you left  to come meet him. If I may ask, why did you leave your father?" I feel my body go tense and my throat seems to swell, but I know it isn't.

"Well, me and him were always close, especially after my mother passed of drug use. He found out that I was writing to Harry but he thought that I needed to make more real friends, we obviously did not have the same idea. One day Louis sent me plane tickets to go meet your son, and when I asked my father if I could come, he lashed out on me. I had never seen him like that, and I didn't want to ever again, so I left." I said, my voice in one straight tone.

She makes this sad sighing noise and she stands up, me doing the same. I didn't quite know what she was doing until she pulled me into a hug. I'm taken by surprise, but I eventually loosen up and hug her back softly.

"You're such a strong girl, your father made a huge mistake doing that to you." I only nod and she pulls me out to arms length, looking me in the eyes. "If you need anyone, I am here for you." I smile.

"Thank you so much Anne, no wonder Harry is so sweet. He must get it from you." She laughs and shakes her head.

"He's a mommy's boy alright." She leads me to the door and we hug before I turn and walk out.

"Juliet!" I look up to see a familiar face standing by my car, a grin on his face. But it looks more sinister then a welcoming one.

I look back at Anne, and she looks back at me questioningly. "Who's that?" She asks, her tone unreadable.

I look back at my car, staring right in his eyes.

"My father."


I will be gone for a week, so I thought you would like an update c:

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