Chapter 19

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"All the other kids with the pumped up kicks!"

"Better run better run, outrun my gun!"

"All the other kids with the pumped up kicks!"

"Better run better run, ou-!"

"ENOUGH!" Eleanor yells as she smacks Louis, interrupting our beautiful duet. He just grins over at me and whispers, "Outrun my bullet." I smile slyly and turn back to the driver, in this case, Harry.

"Are we there yet?" I ask in a annoying little kid voice. He rolls his eyes and ignores me. Hellz naw. "I said," I clear my throat. "ARE WE THERE YEEETTTTT?" This time I basically scream it right in his ear. 

"No we are not Juliet. Now sit back in your seat before we wreck. And Louis, no more singing." Me and Lou both pout and lean back into our seats, Except he has his girlfriend to kiss him and make him feel better. Then there's me. Why couldn't I have rode with Niam and Dani? Or Zerrie? But no, I got stuck with Elounor and a very angry cupcake. I look out the window, and against Harry's rules, I sing.

"I can see, you're not, yourself when you're here with me."

Eleanor smiles and joins in. "I know that you're somewhere else." Then suddenly Lou's voice of perfection starts.

"So put another record on. Kiss me and lead me on. Nothin really matters when we're dancin."

Lou and Eleanor. "Listen to the same sad song playing on repeat. Cause every time we come this close my heart..." They stop and we all look at Harry, smiles on our faces. He shakes his head and we pouts, and finally he says,

"My heart skips, skips a beat." Now we have like a full on dance party with 2/5 of One Direction and the amazing sexual duo singing back-up.

"So come on spin me around. no I don;t wanna go home. Cause when you hold me like this you know my heart skip, skips a beat. I know I should but I can't leave it alone, and when you hold me like this that's when my heart skip, skips a beat." We finish and suddenly I can't take it anymore. I bursts out laughing. Our chorus of laughter soon fills the car ride, even Harry's. We laughed so long that we hadn't even realized that we we're back at Lou's place.

"Well have a good day guys!" I call out at the still laughing couple as they walk up the steps and to their place. I hop the seats and sit down in the passenger seat. Harry looks over at me with a smile and rolls his eyes as he pulls away. We drive down the road, mostly awkward silence. But the good kind of awkward. I sorta enjoyed it. Once we reached my place, he slowed down at the curb. A thick silence filled the air around us, I almost choked on it. Theoretically speaking of course.

"So..." Those single words just suddenly floated out of his mouth, even lingering. Like that one cat every neighborhood has.

"Yeah, so." I respond. I look over at him, a crooked smile reflecting on both of our faces.

"We should do this again." He looses that toothless grin, followed by an even bigger, better smile. I nod in complete agreement.

"I'll have to take you up on that offer."

"As a date?" 

Date. He wanted to take me on a date. Words that I'll never forget. I look at his hope full eyes. I immediately soften and my smile gets smaller.

"I'd like that." That's when I lean over and kiss him. Right on the lips. He's obviously startled, his hands lay limp at his sides. His lips lay still, but soon gain motion. They mold perfectly with mine, suddenly alive.

It's like being in a coma, and then opening your eyes for the first time in what seems like forever. His arms trail up my arms and to my neck, then to cup my face in his comforting palms. I pull away, eyes sparkling.

I get out of the car without any words. There are no words that can even be spoken. They are all useless is this moment as I walk up the cement pathway to our front door. I open the door slightly and turn back, but his car is gone. I smile to myself and let myself inside, shutting in the memories along with the door.

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