Chapter 18

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I stay close to Niall as we enter the large arena, completely dark with neon glowing paint splattered walls. Nice.

"Juliet?" Niall whispers as we wait on our side for the round to begin.

"Yeah?" I reply with a low tone as I watch Liam and Dani wave at us, trying not laugh at how easy this is going to be.

"Okay, since your a girl, I'll help you a bit." 

"Bullshit Niall, don't help." I say just as the first buzzer sounds. I completely ditch him and make my way up onto a secret platform. I can see below that Liam and Danielle are on the farthest wall, making their way to Harry who is all alone. Suits him. 

Danielle splits away from him as Liam gets closer to curls. This is better then the real deal, which in this case would be just as dramatic. All we need is for Perrie to start singing DNA randomly and it would totally fit the mood.

Boom, Harry shoots Liam. Poor guy, had that one coming.

I swear the reason Harry's hair is so big is because it secretly has a little person hiding in there. You know, like his own minion to watch his back.

I would say that it's big because it's full of secrets, but quoting Hunger Games would be a little ironic for this moment.

Niall creeps up behind Zayn but Perrie spots him and takes him out. "ONE POINT FOR GRYFFINDOR!" She whisper/shouts as Zayn gives her a high five. I didn't even know that the British read Harry Potter. Or just read, in general.

Niall looks up at me and I mouth sorry as he pouts and makes his way out with Liam.

I set my gun on the edge and aim it at Eleanor. "Sorry.." I whisper as I take her out.

God, I feel like I'm in a spy movie.

Or the Hunger Games.

She dramatically falls to the ground and Louis starts freaking out. "She's been hit! She's been hit!" Well someone watches Pitch Perfect often. 

He gets down on his knees and fake cries over El, completely giving away his place to Harry who gets him from behind.

I aim for him, and almost pull the trigger when suddenly I hear someone shout, "She's up there!"

Damn Zayn, thanks. 

I look down to see Zayn and Perrie making their way to the stair case leading up, the ONLY way up or down. 

I am NOT about to go down like this. This just got real. I look over at them just as they aim at me and I jump over the edge, landing on my feet. It's not that far of a jump. Luckily, or else that would have sucked.

I look up to see Zayn and Perrie looking down at me, just as Danielle takes them both out from my right. "OH SNAP YEAH I WENT THERE." I try to hold back the grin because this is serious...I think. 

She smiles over at me. "Now for you." She aims at me, but her gun won't shoot and her lights start flashing. "Damn." She curses as she jokingly glares at me. "Next time, Johnson, next time." She

 walks out, leaving Harry standing right behind her, gun raised at where she was just standing, and smirking at me.

"Ello, Jules."

"Stop being British." I say in a rude tone before I turn and sprint away. I can hear him following me as I take a sharp turn. I make a left, then right. I think. I was never good as 'thinking' stuff.

After a while of running I hit a dead end, and I turn around to see Harry. An angry looking Harry.

Now let me tell you.

A pissed off Harry is a scary thing...

But also quite sexy.

He walks closer, his hair flopped over his eyes, but still his green eyes bare into mine. I back against the wall, looking for any way out. Then he gets a bit...closer.

He drops his gun and lays his hands on my hips. "Juliet." he says in a low, husky voice.

"Mhm?" I basically hum out as I try to avoid eye contact.

"Look at me." I look up at him. Oh god.

He smirks down at me and licks the side of his lips. He leans down, his lips lightly brushing against mine. "H-Harry?" 

"Yes, love?" He asks as he tightens his grip on my waist. I pull up my gun and point it at his chest, causing his eyes to go wide as he backs away. 

"Game over." I say as I pull the trigger.


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