The Plan

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AN: Hey, guys! Disclaimer applies as always! I just own the plot twists and any OC!

Olivia's POV:

I throw down the crust of my last piece of pizza for the night. "I am so full." I look at Henry and he nods as he nips at the last of the cheese off the crust of his piece. "So, what's the plan?" I twiddle my thumbs as I think about this. "Everyone should be at the penthouse when we attack. You said right before I called Alek told Chloe she has to go stay somewhere else, right? The leader is gone and Chloe has been relocated. We need to get them all in one room and trap them." I think about Ariel, Chloe's ancestor, and how we knew not killing her would bring consequences. Consequences like her great, great, great granddaughter becoming the key to reuniting humans and Mai. We tracked her family for years until we lost them. It was the rogues fault. He fell for one of the blonde beauties and that was the key to creating the Uniter. A rogue Mai and the descendant of a rogue uniting. It's not like a human member of the Order and a Mai could fulfill the prophecy with the whole death threat thing hanging over their heads.

"Hello? Earth to Olivia." I shake my head and Henry looks at me expectantly. "I asked you how you're planning to get them all in the same place at the same time." I smile and Henry immediately knows what I'm thinking. "A chain reaction of course. Chloe's human friends get captured and Chloe comes for them. Chloe gets captured and Alek goes after her. Jasmine might be with him, but if she's not then she'll come looking for him. Finally the leader will come looking for her daughter. Before you broke my concentration my mind was leading me to thoughts of if someone finds out about Ariel being Chloe's ancestor. They could like...send her away or something so she doesn't get killed just for being related to the rogue." Henry considers this for a minute and looks at me. "Alek won't tolerate being separated from Chloe. We have time. I still need to find out why Amy and Paul are fri-" I cut him off immediately. "I think we all know why. She's an old friend of theirs and she's good. Amy and Paul don't seem like the type of people who choose evil friends. Forget finding out why they're friends with her. It doesn't matter. All that matters is that we kill them all soon. We may not have time. Alek will send Chloe away if he finds out no matter how much it kills him. Is there anyone else who could try to help them we should worry about?"

I lean in closer to Henry in anticipation as he thinks. "No. Not that I am aware of." I nod. "You've done exceptionally well, Henry. During the three days after Chloe and Alek's fight you've found out about Paul and honestly you did fulfill your mission of finding out why humans would choose Chloe, Alek, and the other two as friend." Henry looks troubled and I tense up. "There thing. I've smelled a Jackal around their penthouse since I spied on them the first night, but I haven't found one. I don't think it's a threat though. I don't think it's a friend who could aid them." The rain washed away most of the scent and it's good at being invisible." I clench my jaw. "Find and kill it if it's a friend of theirs. Ugh! WHY AM I NOT SHOCKED THAT A FREAKING JACKAL WOULD BECOME CHLOE'S FRIEND?! She finds an ally in EVERYONE!" Henry stands up and leaves me to fume and think. Chloe is already uniting Jackals, humans, and Mai. Now my last hope is that the other more hostile Egyptian demigods will not unite with her.

AN: Hey, guys! I know I've posted a ton of chapters lately. I didn't want to keep my new Uniters waiting! ;) Votes equal motivation for me to write! :) I need your help. I almost gave Alek an evil twin named Jace who would be able to go inside the penthouse as Alek! :/ Yes? No? TELL ME IF I SHOULD MAKE JACE!

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