Reunion And Whitney

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AN: Thank you _Forever_Fandoms_ for your comments and vote! :) Sadly, I can't skip right to Chloe's POV of that event! :( Here's Olivia's POV! Disclaimer applies!

Olivia's POV:

I walk over to my grandson and can't help bursting into tears. My only grandson is dead, gone. I will never see his smiling face again or watch him get married. I remember when I first saw Brian in his mother's arms. He seemed so fragile and small. I felt like anything could kill him in a heartbeat. I didn't know about Chloe then. I didn't even know about the mai. I turn to look at the blonde beauty my grandson took out before he died. She has her claws out so I walk over to her, take out a knife, and chop off a clawed hand. I put it in my bag. I inspect my grandson some more and notice the gun in his hand and look at the throwing star again. I look at the dried up blood splatter where the mai would've been. Then the pieces fall into place. Either Chloe or Alek threw the star back at him after it hit one of them, most likely Chloe, and he took out his gun and shot Abby as it soared towards him.

I smile. He didn't go down without taking someone with him. I am so proud of him. I manage to get the gun away from him and the star out of his heart. I take him to my house and strip him down so that he's completely naked. I clean every inch of his body and dress him again in clean clothes. I lay him on the table we use for fallen Order members and cross his arms over his chest. I wish I could bring my boy back, my only grandson. "M-mom? I-I-I want to s-s-see my son!" I turn around to see Whitney standing behind me with tears streaming down his cheeks. I smile and hug him. "Oh! My dear son, Brian would've wanted this!" He hugs me tight and sighs. "Not like this!" I pull away and wipe his cheeks. When he does the same for me I realize I had cried this whole time. "We WILL kill the Uniter...and her protectors. Especially the boy. He' love with her." I frown. "How do you know?" He smiles. "Zane was extremely useful before they killed him."

AN: I am trying to make Olivia seem like a normal woman who just lost her grandson to make my viewers have SOME sympathy for her. It's also to show that she's really like any other old woman.

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