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I wake up with a jolt, sweat dripping down my body. Another nightmare of that night. 

"Mom- GAhhhhhhh!" I screamed, trying to cover my sister from seeing the impact. I heard tires swerving, and felt my body be thrown with the force. My entire body hurt and I was bleeding from every part of my body. I looked at my sister. She cried under me, with bloody tears, and glass in her eyeballs, one gouged out. I tried to move, and pull her close to me, but I couldn't move. My arms were broken, bits of bone sticking out, and I couldn't feel my legs. Everything felt heavy as I call my sisters name.

I wish I could forget about that night. Sighing, I look at my clock. 6:47 am. Might as well get up. 

Yawning, I sit up and stretch, throwing a shirt on. I'll get dressed fully after breakfast and all that. Heading to my sisters room, I gently shake her awake. "Luna. Come on, it's time to get up. You have school today." She grumbled, and I smirked getting an idea. 

I rip the blankets off her, and pick her up, tossing her on my back like a sack of potatoes, as tickle her feet, while running around the house. "I got the treasure boys! Lets go!" She laughed and squirmed. 

"Noooo! Let me goo!" I spin around and set her down. 

"Ready to get up Luna?" She nods. I lead her back to her room so she can get her glass eyes, since she gets disoriented when she's spun and carried, and I go and make breakfast. Dad was working overnight again, so it was just the two of us. I heard her footsteps as she came back, her glass eyes in. "Did you wash up?"


"Good." I said, handing her the bread and toast. We eat in silence. We only speak again when we finished. "Do you wanna bath first, or should I?"

"I took one last night. Go ahead, you stink. Another nightmare?"

"Yeah..." I trail off and leave. She knows where to go and all that. I shower quickly and get dressed in a white tee shirt, and black jeans with a chain, my black (Fake) leather jacket, and fingerless gloves. Fixing my hair quickly, and getting my shoes on, I call out for Luna. 

"Luna! Get your butt over here, or I wont have time to take you to school!" I say, stuffing my phone in my bag, and grabbing the helmets. She knows to hang on tight, and only let go when I tap twice. 

"I'm coming!" She says, coming down in a blue tee shirt with a skate board on it, and green jeans. She gets her shoes on with a little help, and hand her the spare helmet as we step out. 

"I'm picking you up, so keep the helmet with you, or a teacher."

"I know." She goes to a school for blind kids. No actual dress code since all the kids are legally blind, or completely blind. Some kids cant fully see what they are wearing, so the school doesn't care. But for me, I do have a dress code, but since I dont have a uniform, the school is letting me wear whatever as long as it isn't vulgar or revealing. It's the first day of my third year at school, and I got into a new one. Ouran academy. 

We got to my sisters school, and she went inside, saying a quick goodbye to me. After that I drove off to my school. 

As I got there, I saw a rack for bikes, and parked there. I saw girls and guys looking at me, since it's not every day someone in a motorcycled shows up. I roll my eyes and get off my bike, locking it up, and taking off my helmet. I minded my own business, smirking at a few people as I headed into the school, and went to the office to pick up my schedule. "Good morning." The receptionist said to me as I walked in. "How can I help you?"

"I'm here to pick up my schedule." 

"Right. Name?"

"L/n, y/n" She pulled out a file and handed me some paper. 

"Here you go. Have a nice day hun." 

"Thanks." I said, and walked out the door. Now, to find my classroom. I walk around, trying to find it, when I feel someone tug my chains back. I snap my head back ready to tell them to back off, when I don't see anyone. I look down though, and see a small blonde boy holding a bunny in the high school uniform. Oh my god this guys so cute.

"Excuse me, are you lost?" I want to say no, but I have no clue where I'm going, so I just give in.

"Yeah. I'm looking for class 3-E. You know where that is?"

"Yeah! Takashi look! He's in the same class as us!" I see a tall man with black hair and a stoic face make his way through the crowd. I'm guessing the blonde ran ahead.

"Yeah." Is all he says. 

"Okay then bunny-chan. Can you guys take me to the classroom?" He pouts. 

"Don't call me chan! I'm older than I look!" I chuckle.

"I get that, but I don't think your older than me. You certainly don't look 20."

"I'm 18."

"And I'm 19. So yeah, bunny chan." I say as we start walking in the direction. 

"If your 19, shouldn't you be in collage?" The big guy known as takashi asked.

"Yeah, but, long story short, I got held back a few years ago, because of an incident." I say, not really wanting to talk about it. "Let's just leave it at that, kay?"

"What happened?"

"That's for me to know, and you to wonder bunny-chan."

"I have a name ya know." He says holding his bunny closer and covering part of his face.

"Well what is it then?"

"Haninozuka Mistukuni. But everyone calls me honey."

"I don't know, I think bunny is a cuter nickname for you." I turn to 'takashi' which I'm guessing is his first name. "What about you?"

"Morinozuka takashi."

"But everybody else calls him mori!" He says with a bright smile. Okay, he's officially cuter than my little sister. "What about you? We never got your name."

"Right. L/n y/n, but I prefer to go by y/n. No need for formalities."

"If you dont like to use formalities, then why do you use chan for me?"

"Because it's cute." He burred his face in his stuffed rabbit and I smirked to myself. I love making people flustered. I can tell he's blushing cause his ears are red. We arrive at the classroom and he tried to act like nothings wrong. I sat in an empty seat, and paid no mind to anything until class started. 

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